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  • Flash Gordon III. Stranded in deep space, Colonel Flash Gordon, Dale and Dr. Hans Zarkov are in the middle of a centuries-old battle for supremacy over the the Universe. Manipulated by a war-crazed android and unsure of who is friend and who is foe, they must stop the bloodshed before all life, including that on Earth, is annihilated.   Cover art by Boris Vallejo.
  • Book I of Orthe. The distant world of Orthe is littered with the spectacular remnants of its once-great civilisation.  Now the Ortheans have deliberately turned away from the technology that nearly destroyed them.  To Orthe comes Lynne de Lisle Christie, envoy from Earth.  Her assignment: win the confidence of the planet's leaders.  But she quickly finds herself at the centre of a conflict which threatens to explode into war. Cover art by Chris Brown.
  • Two time-travellers from the 27th century go missing in Ancient Egypt. Edward Davis, a promising rookie in the Time Service is sent back to find them...back much further than he has ever been before. Reeling from the time-jump, he arrives in Thebes only to find his survival training  is no protection against the intoxicating magic of Egypt: Pyramids and obelisks; snakes with legs; winking sphinxes; birds with the heads of women and women with the heads of birds; forests of huge stone columns; lapis lazuli and gold and a plump Pharaoh on his throne. Davis has thirty days in which to get a grip and find the missing time travellers. Instead, he's taken in by a temple priestess, befriended by a beautiful slave girl and tricked into crossing the Nile to to the City of the Dead. As the scheduled hour of his rendezvous with the time field approaches, Davis is faced with the truth behind the fate of his former colleagues and the prospect of sharing that fate. Cover art by Fred Gambino.
  • Book 21 of Richard Blade. Blade lands in a new dimension of a bleak desert with a city of black jade rising from the horizon.  Mistaken for a desert tribesman he is attacked and captured by the defending warriors of the city.  Sentenced to death - to be burned alive...In prison he befriends a beautiful woman prisoner who is trusted because she is the mistress of the warden.  The inevitable happens and they escape - but Blade's rapid jumping of dimensions causes confusion back at Home Dimension - especially when a Russian spy is sent into Dimension X. Cover art by Ken Kelly.
  • 2010 - almost the centennial of the sinking of the Titanic. The remains of the great ocean liner lie 4 kilometres down on the Grand Banks of the Atlantic Ocean, an endless reminder of man's technological frailty in the face of natural perils.  But now, the urge to raise the wreck is irrestistible. From the West comes one solution; from the East another. Both are marvels of technological imagination; both can succeed.  But there are other powers at work and the wreck may yet hold a surprise or two for those  who would return her to the eyes of the world.
  • Star Trek Original Series No 16. Klingon Captain Krenn is a ruthless war strategist. But on a mission to Earth, Krenn learns a lesson in peace. Suddenly, he must fight a secret personal battle. His Empire has a covert plan to shatter the Federation. Only Krenn can prevent a war - at the risk of his own life. Cover art by Boris Vallejo.
  • 2012: a hundred years after the sinking of the Titanic. Two of the world's most powerful corporations, each headed by an eccentric and brilliant man, race to find a way to raise and preserve the doomed luxury ocean liner. Two multi-billion-dollar technologies are tested in a plan to raise the ship that will stun the world and create a media feeding frenzy. The rival CEOs gather and together the twenty-first century's most brilliant minds, including Roy Emerson, technical problem solver and the prodigy behind the glass microsphere; computer geniuses Donald and Edith Craig, darkly fixated by the enigmatic mathematical "Mandelbrot-Set"; and the grand old man of deep-water operations, Jason Bradley, pilot of a state-of-the-art high-pressure heliox suit named "Jim". Two adversary technologies under four hundred atmospheres of pressure at the bottom of the ocean. To each of the undersea explorers, the quest to uncover the secrets of the wreck and to reclaim her for all time becomes an obsession...and for some, a fatal one. Cover art by Paul Swendsen.
  • July 2. Atmospheric phenomena begin to appear all over the world; the skies seem to be on fire. Satellite communications are interrupted without explanation and fear grips the world's cities. When the sky fires die down it's clear a force of incredible magnitude has arrived. Their mission - exterminate all human life. The countdown to the end of the world has begun...
  • Book XI of Sword Of Truth. Descending into darkness, about to be overwhelmed by evil, those people still free are powerless to stop the coming dawn of a savage new world, while Richard faces the guilt of knowing that he must let it happen. Alone, he must bear the weight of a sin he dare not confess to the one person he loves…and has lost. It started with one rule, and will end with the rule of all rules, the rule unwritten, the rule unspoken since the dawn of history. When next the sun rises, the world will be forever changed. Cover art by Keith Parkinson.  
  • A volume of short stories: No Truce with Kings: In a future post-apocalyptical American Pacific coast, rival factions vie for power with the decaying central government. Turning Point: That morning they invented the wheel; in the afternoon, the sailing ship; now night was falling and they looked up to the beckoning stars... Escape from Orbit: A group of astronauts are stranded in space. An ingenious plan using a satellite may be the solution...Epilogue Mankind and Earth meet again, at the Billion-year Reunion... The Critique of Impure Reason: A sentient robot designed to work harvesting minerals from Mercury has other ideas after the inventor’s girlfriend shows him her literary quarterly before his indoctrination period is over. As a result the robot wants to read and ponder. Eve Times Four: An astronaut conspires to strand himself and multiple attractive women on a habitable planet. But this attracts the attention of two apparently alien males. Cover art by Jack Faragasso.
  • Time Police Volume I. 2183: The Second Republic is mercilessly efficient. It controls the press, the state, the rights of the citizens. Then it captures the secrets of time travel. Now the Second Republic can control the past, piece by piece, slowly changing it to make sure that they would never lose their grasp on history. The Time Police are the agents of oppression of the Second Republic,  dedicated to protecting its version of the past. Jackson Dubchek is a researcher, an ordinary citizen too insignificant to warrant the attention of the Time Police until he stumbled onto the truth behind their work. He is determined to undo what they have done. Now the Time Police are after him. He has to go on the run - and there's nowhere to go except the past. Cover art by Paul Youll and Steve Youll.

  • Book I of Blood Angels. On the remote world of Cybele, the superhuman warriors of the Blood Angels Chapter fight a losing battle against their most bitter enemies, the forces of Chaos. When Battle Brother Arkio leads a glorious counter-attack that has the enemy reeling, there is talk that this is a holy sign - is Arkio blessed? But events soon begin to spiral out of control as the forces of Chaos reveal a nightmarish plot. If Brother Rafen doesn't find out what;s really happening the entire Chapter may face  damnation. Cover art by Philip Sibbering.
  • Mysterious and bizarre people...who were they?  Where did they go? There's mysterious geniuses - a French Rabbi who had electric light in the 13th century, to the man who was caught on video walking through a solid door; author Jonathan Swift, who described the Martian moons and their orbits 150 years before they were discovered to the disappearance of Lord Lucan. And more...Hannah Brade, the mysterious maid who wasn't what she seemed; William  Harrison - the bizarre case of the Campden murder; Bruce Lee - was the martial arts superstar murdered? The Man in the Iron Mask -  who was the legendary prisoner who could not show his face? The Men In Black - shadowy visitors who stalk UFO witnesses; Adolf Hitler - black magician? The Atlanteans - did the legendary island of Atlantis really exist? The Green Children - a strange tale from the Middle Ages; Robin Hood - who was the legendary outlaw? The Lunarians - is there intelligent life on our  moon? Nostradamus - the man who saw tomorrow; Richard Bingham - the case of the vanishing peer...and many more.
  • Book IV of Riverworld. After 33 years on the River, Clemens and his crew are finally near the end of their journey in the great iron riverboat Not For Hire, and only one obstacle remains: the evil Earthly king, John Lackland. John is waiting just upriver in the Rex Grandissimus the first riverboat constructed by Sam and stolen by John Lackland. Each are hell-bent on sinking the other and complicating the probable battle is that both boats carry Ethicals, members of the group of advanced beings who created Riverworld for reasons unknown. The battle is set to take place along the shores populated by members of the Church of the Second Chance, a group that believes they must attain ethical perfection in order to proceed to the next phase of existence. The Second Chancers are not violent, but their charismatic leader, La Viro, may attempt to sink one or both of the iron ships in order to prevent the battle. Among the Second Chancers is former Nazi officer Hermann Goring, who has already been more than a nuisance to those on the Quest to find the source of the River...Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Book IV of Tomorrow, When The War Began. Five months into World War III, Ellie and her four remaining friends have barely escaped the Australian town of Wirrawee with their lives and their sanity intact. But as the next step becomes clear, they realize they must once again sacrifice their hard-won comfort and safety. A group of soldiers has recruited the kids to guide the way to the Wirrawee air base. What could possibly motivate Ellie and her friends to return? This risky sabotage mission may be their only hope of rescuing their families, too.
  • Book II of Family d'Alembert. Every year, millions of space voyages from all corners of the Universe travel to Vesa to make or break their fortunes in the exotic gambling palaces.  But a startling discovery has shaken Earth's galactic Empire: more than two hundred and fifty thousand people have vanished from the resort moon without a trace. Called to duty, SOTE's most daring secret agents, Jules and Yvette D'Alembert - the former aerialists from the triple-gravity planet Des Plaines, possessed of lightning-reflexes and super-strength - are faced with a lethal and baffling conspiracy. Together the D'Alemberts have conquered many of the Empire's most dangerous foes, but now they   must divide forces - each to challenge a deadly evil terror alone. Cover art by Peter Jones.
  • Macroscope: the greatest scientific breakthrough in the history of man, a vast space-borne device that brought the entire universe within man's range of vision, revealing levels of technology vastly beyond anything dreamed of on Earth. But the discovery brought danger - in a place so unthinkably distant in space and time that it might be at the other end of the continuum. A place where ancient symbols come to life to battle for the souls of men. Cover art by Eddie Jones.

  • Warhammer 40,000. Book VI of Space Wolf. In the continuing saga of Ragnar Blackmane, the Space Wolves come under attack from an ancient enemy: The Thousand Sons. In a last-ditch attempt to stop them, Ragnar and his brothers launch a lightning strike counterattack on the Thousand Sons' base. Will the Space Wolves triumph, and can Ragnar retrieve the Spear of Russ from his nemesis, the Chaos Space Marine Madox? Cover art by Geoff Taylor.