
  • Book V of The Amtrak Wars. Having captured Clearwater, the Federation now plans to catch Cadilliac and Mr Snow and annihilate the Clan McCall, so Steve must continue his double role as loyal agent of the Federation and blood-brother to the Mutes.  The First Family is hell-bent on exacting retribution for past defeats; the House of Yama-Shita is also seeking revenge.
  • Jim Todhunter is one of the elite - a Death guide, helping the citizens of a peaceful future world meet the ends of the lives in harmony. When the stability of the House is shattered by deliberate murder - an unthinkable crime - Todhunter receives his fateful assignment: to shepherd the killer to his death. But in humoring the murderer's macabre fantasies, Todhunter becomes entangled in a fantastic plan to trap Death itself. And what lies beyond Death is stranger than anyone imagined...
  • It is the year 3000. The world has been devastated by neutron war and the survivors practice peaceful co-existence in a federation of domed cities, where war is outlawed for all time.  But Helix City has remained outside the Federation and its political system is a totalitarian nightmare. Lord Zirpola, the sadistic hereditary ruler of Helix, holds despotic sway, punishing all opponents by sentencing them to the Deathsport - a bloody gladiatorial combat where the odds are loaded and to lose is to suffer an ingeniously cruel death. The newest contestant in the area is Ranger Guide Kaz Oshay, the only man with the spirit to question and defy the repressive regime. He and his beautiful co-guide Deneer challenge the system, but can  anything human succeed against the sophisticated technology of slaughter? Novelisation of the 1978 film starring David Carradine. Cover is taken from the theatrical release poster.
  • Book II of Deathstalker. Owen Deathstalker - outlawed, with a price on his head and the blood of a mighty warrior lineage in his veins - had no choice but to embrace a dangerous destiny. With nothing to lose, only he had the courage to take up arms against Queen Lionstone XIV. Now as he gathers his unlikely allies - the legendary washed-up hero Jack Random, the beautiful pirate Hazel d'Arc, the original Deathstalker long since presumed dead, and the alien Hadenmen whose purposes no human can discern--the eyes of the downtrodden are upon him while the freedom of a galaxy hangs in the balance...Cover art by Steve Crisp.
  • Book VII of Deathstalker. Lewis Deathstalker abandoned his place as Paragon and Imperial Champion for the love of Jesamine Flowers, the King's intended. Both have been branded traitors to the Empire and are now travelling in more notorious circles - with immoral gladiator Rose Constantine, con man Brett Random and alien reptiloid Saturday. While Lewis is rooting out Finn Durandal, real traitor to the Empire, he finds there is a greater threat - The Terror that was predicted to destroy all humanity is encroaching. It's said that the only one who can stop it disappeared more than two hundred years ago - Owen Deathstalker.  Now Lewis and his companions must find Owen who they believe - must believe - isn't dead at all.  Cover art by Patrick Jones.
  • Book I of Deathstalker. Her Imperial Majesty Lionstone XIV ruled the Empire with fear.  From peasants to masters of the most powerful galactic families, all were subject to the queen's unpredictable decrees of outlawing and death. Owen Deathstalker, unwilling head of his clan, sought to avoid the perils of the Empire's warring factions but unexpectedly found a price on his head.  He fled to Mistworld, where be began to build an unlikely force to topple the throne - a broken hero, an outlawed Hadenman, a thief and a bounty hunter. With their help, Deathstalker took the first step of a journey far more dangerous than that for which he had been destined at birth. Cover art by Donato Giancola.
  • The planet was called Pyrrus...a strange place where all the beasts, plants and natural elements were designed for one specific purpose: to destroy man. The settlers there were supermen...twice as strong as ordinary men and with milli-second reflexes. They had to be. For their business was murder...It was up to Jason dinAlt, interplanetary gambler, to discover why Pyrrus had become so hostile during man's brief habitation...Cover art by Peter Elson
  • Professional gambler Jason DinAlt accepts an invitation to visit Pyrrus, the most lethal world in the known galaxy. For outsiders, Pyrrus usually means a quick and painful death, but DinAlt is fleeing the crooked casino masters of Cassylia - where he just broke the bank. But DinAlt is not prepared for the hellish Pyrrus, where every living thing seems bent on exterminating mankind.  Pyrrus is a hostile, barbaric planet where technology and civilization have almost disappeared. Using his skills, DinAlt literally reinvents the wheel in his quest to escape. Cover art by Peter Elson. Originally published as The Ethical Engineer.
  • Book I of Doona. Doona was a pastoral planet, a paradise of rivers, lakes, mountains and seas.  The Hrubbans need Doona to revitalise their decadent race, to give them some of the pioneer spirit...But the Terrans also need Doona as an overspill from the crowded Earth.  So both races send a colonising party and both begin to think of Doona at home.  It's inevitable - one day the smooth skinned bi-ped mammal known as Man will come face to face with the furry, four-pawed mammal known as Hrubban...
  • Book I of Doona. Doona was a jewel of a planet - a pastoral paradise with rivers and lakes, mountains and seas. The Hrubbans needed it to revitalise their decadent race, to give them back something of the old pioneering spirit. The Terrans needed it as an overspill from the hysterical over-crowding of Earth. So they both sent a colonising party - and they both began to think of Doona as home. And then one day the smooth-skinned, two-legged mammal known as Man came face-to-face with the furry, four-pawed mammal known as Hrubban...

  • Past Doctor Adventures No. XX.  When a lighthouse keeper reports seeing a ball of light plunging into the sea off Tayborough Sands, UNIT sends Mike Yates to investigate. The last thing he expects to find is an old friend - with a  new face. The Doctor and his companions arrive on a pleasure beach in the 1970s, hoping for some time off. But they do not get to relax for long - violent incidents are at an all time high in the area, and people are going missing - or else changing into something more than human. The Doctor soon realises there is a sinister prescense lurking in the cold sea - and it's got designs on humanity. An adventure of the Fifth Doctor, taking place between Warriors Of The Deep and The Awakening.

  • An aerospace tycoon who flies his personal C-130 gunship. An out-of-control Pentagon developing human robots. A renegade U.S. president. A lab at the bottom of the sea. Agent Colin Blake has one weapon: total recall. One quest: to rescue his lover Kate, a military expert, from a cartel that intends to turn her into a sub-human device. When Blake joins forces with Chuck Braden, the U.S. President's watchdog on the Pentagon, he uncovers a conspiracy that could devastate half the globe ...
  • Book II of  Dumarest. Still driven by his search to find Man's fabled birthplace, Dumarest accepts a commission to guard the Lady Derai, heiress to the House of Caldor on the feudal world of Hive.  Dumarest hoped to meet a living witness of Earth there.  But instead, he's on the lists of the deadly Contest on Folgone - with the Lady of Caldor as prize.  On Folgone, Dumarest confronts the Cybers, ruthless emotionless tools of a great Gestalt which holds the might of the Universe within its grip - a power which may provide him with the key to his quest for Earth. Cover art credited to Chris Achilleos.
  • Vol. 2, No. 3.  Features : Vital Signs, Dean Ing; The Man Who Stole The Moon, Charles Sheffield; Retrospective, Larry Niven and Steven Barnes; Frankie the Rat Man and Baron Von Ronk, G.E. Coggshall. Articles: Robert A. Heinlein, A Sermon, Spider Robinson; Expanded Universe, Robert A. Heinlein; Nuclear Survival, Dean Ing; New Beginnings, J.E. Pournelle; On Books, Norman Spinrad; The L-5 Review, The Editors of L-5 News; On Predicting the Future, Frederick Pohl. Cover art by Davis Meltzer.
  • Vol. 3, No. 2. This volume contains: Summertide, Charles Sheffield; Time Safari, David Drake; Sacrifice, David Langford; Slices, Gregory Benford; Where Thy Treasure Is, Fred Saberhagen; Speculative Facts: Looking About in Space, Drs Charles Sheffield and Yoji Kondo; Nuclear Survival IV, Dean Ing; Waste Not, Want Not, Karl Pflock; On Predicting the Future, Frederic Pohl; Ramblings, Poul Anderson; Last Words, James Baen. Illustrations by Broeck Steadman, Janet Aulisio and Steven Fabian.
  • Almost 250 years ago, the starcruiser Argos reached the planet Destiny, carrying the first settlers.  Those first hard years on the planet were marked by two life and future-changing events: First, the Argos deserted them, dashing all hopes of returning to Earth.  The the landing craft, the Cavorite, disappeared.  But the Cavorite's final voyage left an awesome impression: it seared the wide, smooth Road into the planet's surface.  It's said the Road crosses the entire planet but no-one knows - because no settler who has travelled down the Road has ever returned...Cover art by Michael Whelan.
  • Book I of Blood Angels. On the remote world of Cybele, the superhuman warriors of the Blood Angels Chapter fight a losing battle against their most bitter enemies, the forces of Chaos. When Battle Brother Arkio leads a glorious counter-attack that has the enemy reeling, there is talk that this is a holy sign - is Arkio blessed? But events soon begin to spiral out of control as the forces of Chaos reveal a nightmarish plot. If Brother Rafen doesn't find out what;s really happening the entire Chapter may face  damnation. Cover art by Philip Sibbering.
  • Star Trek Original series Book 12. The Enterprise is en route to Heartland - a mysterious planet populated by a small but terrifying race of demonic beings.  Heartland - where Kirk falls in love with a beautiful, mysterious woman with a fatal secret, and where the rest of the crew will be challenged by an awesome, disembodied intelligence, more powerful than any other force in the Universe.  Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • Book II of the Galactic Milieu series. As the 21st century closes a growing group of rebels plot to declare the human planets independent from  the Milieu and end a 30 year association.  They are aided by the insane Fury who seeks to rule the Galaxy itself.  A key figure in Fury's scheme is Dorothea Macdonald - possessed of metapsychic powers, she only wants a quiet life on the planet Caladonia.  She rejects Fury's overtures and the monster vows to destroy her.  When the Milieu become aware of her powers she is forced to leave her family and use her power for the benefit of all.  At the Metapsychic Institute, she discovers that one day she will rule Caladonia. When she meets Jack the Bodiless she understands that his mind is the only one approaching hers in its power.  Together they are the only hope of defeating the rebels.,,and all the while, Fury plots to kill them both. Cover art by Stephen Bradbury.
  • A planet of giant Saurians, extinct on earth for more than 70 million years, rule the continents and seas of a newly discovered planet.  Man and the other two intelligent life-forms are exploring and colonising the galaxy at breakneck speed, and so far, the three species have been able to work together since they require radically different types of planet.  But Man and conflict are never far apart and the discovery of this incredible new planet heralds deep, deep trouble. Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Book I of Dinosaur Planet. On Earth they had died out 70 million years ago, but on Ireta the dinosaurs ruled in all their bizarre splendour.  The expedition sent to explore this seemingly bland planet was trapped within its energy as quickly and mysteriously as their relief ship vanished.  And half the expedition's personnel reverted to type and as predatory carnivores systematically hunted down their colleagues.  Only the frozen sleep of cryogenics offered an escape.   But for how long?
  • What do a dead cat, a computer whiz-kid, an Electric Monk who believes the world is pink, quantum mechanics, a 200-year-old Chronologist, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet) and pizza have in common? Apparently not much - until Dirk Gently, self-styled private investigator, sets out to prove the fundamental interconnectedness of all things by solving a mysterious murder, assisting a mysterious professor, unravelling a mysterious mystery and eating a lot of pizza - not to mention saving the human race from extinction along the way - at no extra charge. Cover art by Lionel Jeans.
  • Dirk Gently's Holisitic Detective Agency: What do a dead cat, a computer whiz-kid, an Electric Monk who believes the world is pink, quantum mechanics, a 200-year-old Chronologist, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet) and pizza have in common? Apparently not much - until Dirk Gently, self-styled private investigator, sets out to prove the fundamental interconnectedness of all things by solving a mysterious murder, assisting a mysterious professor, unravelling a mysterious mystery and eating a lot of pizza - not to mention saving the human race  from extinction along the way - at no extra charge. The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul: When a passenger check-in desk at Terminal Two, Heathrow Airport, suddenly explodes through the roof engulfed in flame, the usual people tried to claim responsibility - the IRA, the PLO and the Gas Board.  Even British Nuclear Fuels rushed out a statement to the effect that the situation was under control, it was a one in a million chance, there was hardly any radioactive leakage and the explosion site would make a nice day out with the kids and a picnic - before finally admitting that it wasn't actually anything to do with them at all. There was no rational cause for the explosion - so it was designated an act of God. But, thinks Dirk Gently, which God?  And why ? What God would be hanging around Heathrow's Terminal Two trying to catch the 15.37 to Oslo? Cover art by Chris Moore.

  • What do a dead cat, a computer whiz-kid, an Electric Monk who believes the world is pink, quantum mechanics, a 200-year-old Chronologist, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet) and pizza have in common? Apparently not much - until Dirk Gently, self-styled private investigator, sets out to prove the fundamental interconnectedness of all things by solving a mysterious murder, assisting a mysterious professor, unravelling a mysterious mystery and eating a lot of pizza - not to mention saving the human race  from extinction along the way - at no extra charge. There's also a couple of ghosts involved along the way...Cover art by Lionel Jeans.
  • Book IV of Destroyermen. A parallel universe adds an extraordinary layer to the drama of World War II - and the fight for survival in an alternate world pushes Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy and the crew of the USS Walker to the breaking point between friend and foe.  After the battle in which the men of the destroyer Walker and their Lemurian allies repelled the savage Grik, Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy is shocked by the arrival of a strange ship captained by one Commodore Jenks of the New Britain Imperial Navy-an island-nation populated by the descendants of British East Indiamen swept through the rift centuries before.  With the Walker undergoing repairs, Reddy already has a great deal on his hands. For the Grik will return, and Reddy will need all hands on deck to fight them off when they next attack. But Jenks' uncertain loyalties make Reddy question whether he can trust the man. As tension between the Allies and the Imperials mount, Reddy will come to realize that his suspicions are not misplaced-and that a greater danger than the Grik is closer than he ever suspected... Jacket art by Studio Liddell.
  • Divergent: In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue - Candour (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful) and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is - she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself. During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are -and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves….or it might destroy her. Insurgent: One choice can transform you - or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves - and herself - while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love. Tris's initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with unspeakable horrors. War now looms as conflict between the factions and their ideologies grows. And in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable—and even more powerful. Transformed by her own decisions but also by haunting grief and guilt, radical new discoveries, and shifting relationships, Tris must fully embrace her Divergence, even if she does not know what she may lose by doing so. Allegiant: The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered - fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she's known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories. But Tris's new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend to complexities of human nature - and of herself - while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love. Four: Two years before Beatrice Prior made her choice, the sixteen-year-old son of Abnegation's faction leader did the same. Tobias's transfer to Dauntless is a chance to begin again. Here, he will not be called the name his parents gave him. Here, he will not let fear turn him into a cowering child. Newly christened "Four," he discovers during initiation that he will succeed in Dauntless. Initiation is only the beginning, though; Four must claim his place in the Dauntless hierarchy. His decisions will affect future initiates as well as uncover secrets that could threaten his own future - and the future of the entire faction system. Two years later, Four is poised to take action, but the course is still unclear. The first new initiate who jumps into the net might change all that. With her, the way to righting their world might become clear. With her, it might become possible to be Tobias once again.
  • When Internet trolls start to drop dead,  the Doctor thinks there might be more to it than just a sedentary lifestyle and high blood pressure. From the backstreets of South Korea to the jungles of Brazil, the Doctor and Donna follow the leads until they find the source of this online infection. But they aren't the only ones interested in these sudden deaths at the computer screens or what's causing them. Before long, Donna and the Doctor are fighting for their lives - and the lives of everyone else on planet Earth who uses the internet. In;lcuding some people very dear to Donna...