Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • Jung died in 1961 without ever having presented a systematic summary of his psychology. For the past 30-plus years, his ideas have been explored, explained and amplified by thousands of others with varying results. This book takes the reader to the source. It was designed for those seeking an understanding of relevant terms and concepts as they were used by Jung himself. There are choice extracts from his Collected Works but no reference to other writers. It is not a critique or a defence of Jung's though but a guide to its richness and an illustration of the broad scope and inter-relationship of his interests. Overall, the Lexicon contains a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of analytical psychology.
  • One of the modern Wicca's most recommended books, this comprehensive text features a step-by-step course in Witchcraft, with photographs and illustrations, rituals, beliefs, history, and lore, as well as intruction in spellwork, divination, herbalism, healing, channeling, dreamwork, sabbats, esbats, covens, and solitary practice. The workbook formats includes exam questions at the end of each lesson, so you can build a permanent record of your spiritual and magical training.
  • The Celtic approach to mysticism is holistic, with little distinction made between the sacred and the secular, or between the physical world and the spiritual. The spiritual awareness grew from Celtic myths and legends: god-like warriors; druids who could walk between the worlds; and magical lands that lay on the boundaries of earthly kingdoms. Celtic mysticism is an approach to life and this book brings the Celtic world - its histories and stories - into a modern context. The important myths and the Celts' feeling for their world is explored and explained and there are exercises to increase your awareness of the power of nature and its holistic character as well as using meditation  and mind-journeying to meet Celtic archetypes.
  • The author just doesn't talk about freedom - the deep, natural joy and peace in the core of all beings - she gives a direct, living experience of it.  The reader is guided to the stillness and joy within to liberate emotional blocks, lift away negative self concepts, release old limitations and open to the magnificence of the Self.
  • Love has always been all around us, and many and varied are the rituals and superstitions that surround it. How to meet our true love; how to tell if our lover is true; will we be lucky in love?  Many of the symbols and signs of love have their roots planted in the mythologies of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, when every flower was the emblem of a god or goddess. With the spread of Christianity, flowers and trees were assigned to the saints but Christianity did not dispel the superstition and ritual of love, falling in love and loving. Did you know that if a girl wears a sprig of ivy next to her heart, she will marry the first young man she speaks to? Or if a bride finds a little spider in  the folds of her wedding gown as she is dressing, she will never be poor? There are even ways and means of causing an apparition of a future lover to appear. Beautifully illustrated.
  • Edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Cayce demonstrates techniques for dream interpretation - predicting the future; discovering hidden personal talents; relieving nervous tension; making money; rearing children; discovering past lives; developing ESP; and gaining insight into this life and beyond.

  • Cunningham's classic introduction to Wicca is about how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature. It is a book of sense and common sense, not only about magick, but about religion and one of the most critical issues of today: how to achieve the much needed and wholesome relationship with our Earth. Cunningham presents Wicca as it is today: a gentle, Earth-oriented religion dedicated to the Goddess and God.
  • Elaborating on the healing powers of herbs, this guide demonstrates the best methods to extract healing properties and includes an A-to-Z portfolio of more than 120 medicinal herbs. There are beautiful colour photographs for each entry and detailed information on which parts of the herb is used medicinally; active ingredients; therapuetic applications; how to make and take herbal remedies; 250 safe treatments to alleviate common complaints, from coughs and colds to stress, as well as contraindications and warnings. Illustrated.
  • This volume offers essential and profound magical knowledge, authentic texts and formulae of the Western Mystery Tradition, hitherto hidden in inaccessible libraries, in enigmatic writings or rarely-imparted teachings passed on only by word of mouth and in addition, contains sections demonstrating how to use all knowledge disclosed, how to consecrate magical tools, how to build rites on the physical and astral planes with word and action, sound, colour and visualisation to implement magical will.
  • This is a life-time book that holds the secrets of making all your dreams come true. Based on the natural laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition. Instead, Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success: When we understand our true nature and learn to live in harmony with natural law, only then will a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, and material abundance spring forth easily and effortlessly. Here are the seven simple, yet powerful, principles that can easily be applied to create success in all areas of your life.  
  • December 21, 2012 may have been and gone - yet the passing of time does not make this book irrelevant.  The end of the world was never going to end with a mighty bang on this date: rather, this was the date that things would begin to change.  This is a very in-depth and heavily researched look into the Mayan Prophecies and what we might expect the future to be. Illustrated with colour photographs.
  • Book VII of Left Behind. Eternity seem suspended. The destiny of mankind hangs in the balance. It's the midpoint of the seven-year Tribulation. A renowned man is dead, and the world mourns. In heaven, the battle of the ages continues to rage until it spills to earth and hell breaks loose. The members of the Tribulation Force - just three in the safe house and the rest scattered about the globe -- face their most dangerous challenges. Is the safe house safe anymore? Is a Trib Force member guilty of murder? Who is the next comrade to die? Has help come from too unlikely a source?
  • Initiation Into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his existence for the better. The great mystery of the Tetragrammaton, the key to the tetrapolar magnet, is explained. By reading the theoretical section many secrets are unveiled which were once only known to very few. The reader will receive first-hand knowledge about the principles of fire, air, water and earth, the positive and negative attributes of these elements, and how these elements affect the human body. The immutable law of cause and effect is explained, not only as it applies to human beings, but also how it applies to the elements. Detailed information is also given about the soul or the astral body, and how the four elements determine the temperament in a person. The astral plane is considered to be "the beyond" by most religions. This plane does have its inhabitants, most of which are departed human beings from earth. Besides that you find elementals, beings with one or only a few attributes. It is very advantageous to learn about these beings and how they affect a human being's life. There is also another kind of being, which is a being of the pure elements. The reader will find that many myths or even fairy tales are based on truth. But mankind has lost the ability to stay in contact with reality and has chosen to live in a completely transitory world which they consider to be their reality. The third plane, the mental plane, is also explained; it is the sphere of thought which has its origin in the world of ideas. Each step of the practical part of this book is divided into three the magical spiritual or mental schooling, soul or astral schooling, and physical schooling. This allows the student to maintain a complete equilibrium. The student learns how to control all his mental faculties even to the point that he can control every thought. He will learn self-introspection, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, astral and mental travel, control of the electric and magnetic fluids, and communication with the beings of the astral plane.
  • Comprehensive in coverage and meticulously researched, this book calls on the latest scientific research to challenge our society's largely unquestioning commitment to new technology. While modern technology has many benefits, the authors believe that Western society's reliance on the latest tech as a cure-all for our problems is seriously misplaced - in some cases, dangerously so. Health and environment issues include: The damaging effects on human health of certain microwaves, including those from mobile phones, mobile phone base stations and television transmission towers; the ongoing debate about the effects of human health of aluminium in food and other consumer  products; the growing evidence that the trans-polyunsaturated acids formed in most margarines during manufacture may be worse for your health than butter; and the growing understanding that the amount of natural light entering the eyes can contribute significantly to the body's ability to fight disease.  There is much which is disagreeable and sometimes distressing, but this book is not a downer. At the end of each chapter there's a positive 'What YOU can do' section.

  • Sagar asks: How are we - as a species living what we think is a civilised life - to survive? How do we continue to live in an overcrowded world whose finite resources are being rapidly exhausted and  whose biological support systems are close to breakdown? There is a wide-spread and fast-growing belief that tinkering with economics and local conservation measures are not enough; that what is needed is a revolution in our consciousness regarding our place in the natural world and our responsibilities towards it. Science and religion are often referred to - but very rarely is there any mention of literature.  Sagar attempts to reassert the essential relationship between imagination,  nature and human survival. By close readings of major works by seventeen of the greatest writers (from Homer to Hughes) that literature has a central contribution to make in our efforts  to discover the laws of nature and human nature, and to live within them.
  • For 2000 years, since it pierced the side of Christ, the Spear of Destiny has been invested with amazing occult power. This is the legend and its continuing fulfillment through the decline of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages and into the twentieth century. It tells the story of the chain of men who possessed the Spear, from Herod the Great to Adolf Hitler and how they sought to change the face of history by wielding its occult powers for good or evil. The Spear of Destiny is identified as the Spear of the Holy Grail mentioned in the sagas of the Dark Ages and shows the Grail to be a uniquely Western path to mind expansion. For the first time the Satanic occult development and faculties of Adolf Hitler are described in authentic and documented detail,   demonstrating how he furthered his aims and his conquest of the world by black magic practices. The final chapters describe a Manichean battle of worlds behind the changing scene of modern times.  With black and white photographs.
  • Chopra turns his story-telling and teaching gifts to Arthurian legend, revitalised with all the uplifting themes of his teachings. When Camelot fell under the savage onslaught of Arthur's bastard son Mordred, Merlin alone foresaw that the legend would not die. Twelve centuries later, the wizard's game is being played yet again in and around the English town of Somerset. Arthur Callum and Katy Kilbride, two young constables investigating a murder, become entangled in an eerie, twilight realm in which past and present are grafted together. They and their friends have their lives transformed in a wondrous awakening both visionary and human.

  • Are you afraid of making decisions...asking your boss for a pay rise...leaving an unfulfilling relationship...facing the future? Whatever your fear, this is the how-to book for you. Written in no nonsense term s and with plenty of commonsense, this volume contains the dynamic, energising techniques to let go of fear and move forward, step by step. Identifying what we are afraid of and why; how to move from victim to creator; the secret of making no-lose decisions; the ten-step process to out-talking the negative chatterbox within and most important of all, how to create more meaning in your life.