Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • Elaborating on the healing powers of herbs, this guide demonstrates the best methods to extract healing properties and includes an A-to-Z portfolio of more than 120 medicinal herbs. There are beautiful colour photographs for each entry and detailed information on which parts of the herb is used medicinally; active ingredients; therapuetic applications; how to make and take herbal remedies; 250 safe treatments to alleviate common complaints, from coughs and colds to stress, as well as contraindications and warnings. Illustrated.
  • Up until the time this book was first published in 1932, very little information about true high magic was available to the public. In this book, Regardie reveals the secrets of real magic. He begins with an explanation of what magic is and, just as importantly, what magic is not. He explains that it is a spiritual study and practice which, along with forms of yoga, forms the two branches of the tree that is mysticism. Magic is not being a medium or a psychic. Then he explains the tools of the magician, what they mean, and how to use them. He explains the techniques of evocation and invocation, skrying, and astral travel. He shows how the Qabalah unites everything. He even gives a description of the secrets of sexual magick. All of this is in a clear, lucid writing style.
  • A companion to The Celestine Prophecy that helps readers expand knowledge from the Nine Insights; offers explanations and exercises for further revelations; and fosters personal growth by putting readers in touch with evidence from their own experience.
  • A compelling vision of the new spiritual understanding that is emerging in human culture... as contained in an an ancient manuscript that contains the Nine Insights. The First Insight is recognisable: in each of our lives occur mysterious coincidences - sudden, synchronistic events that once interpreted,  serve to guide and direct our actions. A modern parable that will lead the reader on a Journey to lighten the soul and connect with visions and experiences that are changing the world.https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/experiential-guide-james-redfield-carol-adrienne/
  • On his 83rd birthday Eddie, a lonely war veteran, dies in a tragic accident trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. With his final breath he feels two small hands in his - and then nothing. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that Heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people who were in it. These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever.DVD: Jon Voight; Ellen Burstyn; Jeff Daniels. Preloved; Region 4; excellent condition.
  • Book III of Paradise. Some say roll with the punches. Drift with the tide. Nothing can stop the inevitability of change. There was a time when 300 Spartans disagreed with such mindless thinking and stood in the gap. Now it's time for 3,000 to stand in the gap. Marsuvees Black is a force of raw evil who speaks with wicked persuasion that is far more destructive than swords or guns. Beware all who stand in his way. Billy Rediger and Darcy Lange are two unsuspecting survivors of a research project gone bad, who discover that they are perhaps the two most powerful souls in the land. Johnny Drake comes out of the desert and leads the 3,000. This is the story of a free land where people who worship as they please and say what they believe are suddenly silenced in the name of tolerance. Most will roll with the punches.  Most will drift with the tide. But not all. Not the 3,000....
  • Instant Calm - the busy person's guide to finding peace and contentment in a restless world. These ingenious shortcuts to calm are written in entertaining, easy-to-follow language and are gleaned from sources as divergent as the wisdom of ancient civilizations and the discoveries of modern science. Wilson's solutions are based on meditation, acupressure, self-hypnosis, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, exercise, diet, and much more.
  • From the author of You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay expands her philosophies of loving the self through:  learning to listen and trust the inner voice;  loving the child within;  letting our true feelings out;  the responsibility of parenting;  releasing our fear about growing older;  allowing ourselves to receive prosperity; expressing our creativity; accepting change as a natural part of life;  creating a world that is ecologically sound where it's safe to love each other; and much more. There is also a chapter devoted to meditations for personal and planetary healing. This book is for anyone who wants to change their life - and have the life they were meant to lead.
  • Are you sensitive to atmospheres? Do you meet people who leave you feeling drained and upset? Do you worry about leaving your home unattended? Are you easily intimidated? We all have a natural sensitivity to energies and atmospheres in people and places, and this is the 'how-to' protect yourself from difficult situations and unpleasant atmospheres - and what you can do to change them. There are simple ways to maintain your own psychic space in intimidating situations; protect yourself from powerful personalities; cleanse your home and workplace; create loving vibrations around people, places and objects; settle an atmosphere after a row or unwelcome encounter; and generate a postive energy which can make you happier, more confident and more successful in all that you do.
  • A page-turning tale of the origins of the peaceful warrior. In the heart of nineteenth century Tsarist Russia, an orphaned boy born of both Jewish and Cossack blood desperately seeks to find a place in a dangerous world. Sergei Ivanov’s (Socrates’) journey from a military academy to America is a spellbinding and tragic odyssey of courage and love. Here is how a boy became a man, how a man became a warrior - and how a warrior discovered peace. From his birth, this boy - Sergei Ivanov - is destined to become the peaceful warrior and sage who changed the life of Dan Millman and millions of readers worldwide.
  • Louise Hay's goal was to see that all women experience self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, personal and professional success and a powerful place in society. In her warm and forthright manner, she offered penetrating insights on how women of all ages and backgrounds could achieve this goal and make the coming years productive, fulfilling and empowering.  Warning: Louise Hay's books are not for the faint-hearted or those looking for a 'quick-fix.'
  • Buffalo Dancers, the Sky Bundle and Other Tales. Each passing year brings the certain awareness that when white man invaded America, he made off with all the wrong things. They seized the land and the water but ignored the wealth of Native American spiritual and psychological wisdom. Here is a story collection about an imaginary mid western tribe, the Turtle Creek Nehawkas, they way they were and they way they are.  Full of traditional Native American wisdom.

  • The author just doesn't talk about freedom - the deep, natural joy and peace in the core of all beings - she gives a direct, living experience of it.  The reader is guided to the stillness and joy within to liberate emotional blocks, lift away negative self concepts, release old limitations and open to the magnificence of the Self.
  • Chopra turns his story-telling and teaching gifts to Arthurian legend, revitalised with all the uplifting themes of his teachings. When Camelot fell under the savage onslaught of Arthur's bastard son Mordred, Merlin alone foresaw that the legend would not die. Twelve centuries later, the wizard's game is being played yet again in and around the English town of Somerset. Arthur Callum and Katy Kilbride, two young constables investigating a murder, become entangled in an eerie, twilight realm in which past and present are grafted together. They and their friends have their lives transformed in a wondrous awakening both visionary and human.

  • Are you afraid of making decisions...asking your boss for a pay rise...leaving an unfulfilling relationship...facing the future? Whatever your fear, this is the how-to book for you. Written in no nonsense term s and with plenty of commonsense, this volume contains the dynamic, energising techniques to let go of fear and move forward, step by step. Identifying what we are afraid of and why; how to move from victim to creator; the secret of making no-lose decisions; the ten-step process to out-talking the negative chatterbox within and most important of all, how to create more meaning in your life.
  • The book that inspired the TV series Philosophy:  A Guide To Happiness - and a book that takes the discipline of logic and mind back to its roots. Drawing inspiration from six of the finest minds in history - Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche - he addresses lack of money, unpopularity, the pain of love, inadequacy, anxiety and conformity.
  • Treat anger like a good meal. Take your time and digest it slowly. Listen to good music for hours afterwards and then drift off to a good night’s sleep. In the light of a new day look at your again again. Then think carefully before you act...or you could end up with severe indigestion. Sara Henderson (Strength To Strength, The Strength In Us All and Some Of My Friends Have Tails) shares the lessons her extraordinary life on Bullo River Station has taught her – humour, down-to-earth commonsense and pearls of wisdom.
  • Our homes are mirrors of ourselves. Through them we can interface with the universe. Everything in the universe is composed of constantly changing energy, including your home and its contents. This energy can profoundly influence your ability to be healthy, loving, creative and abundant. By clearing and enhancing this energy you can transform your home into a sanctuary which radiates positive energy in ever-expanding circles. Denise Linn shows you how you can dramatically change your life by changing the environment in your home or office. She combines information from her own Native American heritage with material she has personally collected from native traditions around the world to bring you practical, easy-to-use exercises for balancing the physical, emotional and spiritual energies in your home, including how to: Diagnose and solve problems with stagnant home energiee; use sacred sound, spirit smoke, mystic symbols and purifying fire for clearing home energy; discover the personal numerology of your home; Use the ancient art of Feng Shui for the placement of objects in your home; Call house angels and totems as home protectors; use rituals to rid your home of unwanted spirits;Instantly uplift the energy in your home.
  • The power of the pendulum has been used since the beginning of time. Those with the knowledge of its use have located buried treasure,  discovered water, divined the future and reaped all types of success. This book teaches you how to use a pendulum, how to make your own and how its powers can be used immediately. It also reveals the mysterious origins of the pendulum, its application in love and sex, choosing a diet or selecting a job, finding lost objects and even its use in healing.
  • The inspiring story of the Biblical prophet Elijah. In the ninth century B.C., the Phoenician princess Jezebel orders the execution of all the prophets who refuse to seek safety in the land of Zarephath, where the unexpectedly finds true love with a young widow. But this newfound rapture is to be cut short, and Elijah sees all of his hopes and dreams irrevocably erased as he is swept into a whirlwind of events that threatens his very existence. A quietly moving account of a man touched by the hand of God who must triumph over his frustrations in a soul-shattering trail of faith.
  • Here is the revolutionary idea of Positive Psychology - which focuses on  strengths rather than weaknesses and asserts that happiness is not the result of good genes or random luck. Happiness can be cultivated by identifying and using the strengths and traits the individual already has: including kindness, generosity, originality, humour and optimism. These signature strengths can not only develop a natural buffer against misfortune and the experience of negative emotions, but can move lives up to a new and more positive plane.

  • First published in 1910. The author explains that the 'universal mind' underlies and permeates all creation. Through he process of visualisation we can engage the law of attraction - impressing our thoughts on formless substance and bringing the desired object into material form.  To achieve this, it is important that we align ourselves with the positive forces of natural law.  Economic and emotional security can be achieved in a practical and non-competitive way while maintaining a harmonious and loving relationship with all of life. Mr Wattles died in 1911, a very prosperous man.
  • Comprehensive in coverage and meticulously researched, this book calls on the latest scientific research to challenge our society's largely unquestioning commitment to new technology. While modern technology has many benefits, the authors believe that Western society's reliance on the latest tech as a cure-all for our problems is seriously misplaced - in some cases, dangerously so. Health and environment issues include: The damaging effects on human health of certain microwaves, including those from mobile phones, mobile phone base stations and television transmission towers; the ongoing debate about the effects of human health of aluminium in food and other consumer  products; the growing evidence that the trans-polyunsaturated acids formed in most margarines during manufacture may be worse for your health than butter; and the growing understanding that the amount of natural light entering the eyes can contribute significantly to the body's ability to fight disease.  There is much which is disagreeable and sometimes distressing, but this book is not a downer. At the end of each chapter there's a positive 'What YOU can do' section.

  • DID YOU KNOW.... that in the Shetland Isles it is considered good luck to encounter a deformed or retarded person when going fishing? Or that the Ancient Hebrews believed that the ashes of a black kitten would enable one to see demons? Even the famous have their own beliefs and rituals: Luciano Pavarotti always looked for a bent nail on stage before he felt secure about singing an opera. On the luck front, Ranulf Flambard was unfortunate enough to be the first prisoner of the Tower of London - but as he was the builder and the architect of the Tower, he knew a secret way out and escaped. To ensure good luck, don't bring holly into the house before Christmas Eve and that in America it's unlucky to kill a toad, as these creatures were regarded by the indigenous Americans to be benevolent water-brings.   A book that is so much more than unlucky broken mirrors and walking under ladders.
  • A profusely illustrated compendium of astrological knowledge that explores the significance of each of the twelve sun signs of the zodiac and the complementary effect of the moon in its different phases. Julia and Derek Parker are established leaders in the field of astrology. They combined their skills in 1971 with the publication of The Complete Astrologer, which became an international bestseller. This was followed by more than 40 books, including the highly successful Parker's Astrology. The Parkers have also broadcast and lectured throughout Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Illustrated.  
  • What does it mean to dream of tunnels, rainbows, alarm bells, ravens, swimming, embarrassment or death? This book is a code book for unlocking the secrets and meanings of your dreams. Dreams are a combination of your deep subconscious emotions and your everyday life events. They are usually symbolic of inner hopes and fears and can give insight into the past, future and even how to proceed in certain matters. This is a very comprehensive guide with an alphabetic index.
  • Since ancient times, it has been believed that essential oils benefit the body, mind and spirit. Different oils and combinations of oils can be used to prevent and treat all manner of health problems and to enhance well-being. This is a fascinating guide through the most popular essential oils, together with practical advice. historical detail and beautiful illustrations.