Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • We talk about aging gracefully but then we dread the inevitable decline in our health, our looks, our sexuality and even just our pleasure in Life itself.  But Dr. Christiane has proven that growing older can be an entirely different experience. "Taking all the right pills...having all the right procedures...isn't the prescription for anti-aging...It's about vitality, the creative force that gives birth to new life."
  • A  lovely little pocket-sized book to open at random any day of the week and enjoy the inspirational wisdom therein. Look at the big picture - love is always there....Rather than criticise someone, praise them - you'll be astonished at the rewards...Give yourself a break from making judgements. Occasionally, try accepting things just as they are.
  • Book VII of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A re-assertion the power of human thought in our lives, in the destiny of planet Earth and in the Universe, and presents ways to consciously control and build up the power of our creative thought. The book sheds further light on humanity s forgotten history, religion, the roots of inter-racial and inter-religious conflict, ideal nutrition, and how a new way of thinking and a lifestyle in true harmony with Nature can lead to happiness and solve our personal and societal problems. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book V of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A description of the author's search for real-life 'proofs' of Anastasia's vision presented in the previous volumes. Finding these proofs and taking stock of ongoing global environmental destruction, Vladimir Megre describes further practical steps for putting Anastasia's vision into practice. Full of beautiful realistic images of a new way of living in co-operation with the Earth and each other, this book also highlights the role of children in making us aware of the precariousness of the present situation and in leading the global transition toward a happy, violence-free society. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book VI of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A description of a visit by the author to Anastasia's glade in the Siberian taiga and his conversations with his growing son, which cause him to take a new look at education, science, history, family and Nature. Through parables and revelatory dialogues and stories Anastasia then leads Vladimir Megre and the reader on a shocking re-discovery of the pages of humanity's real history that have been distorted or kept secret for thousands of years. This knowledge sheds light on the causes of war, oppression and violence in the modern world and guides us in preserving the wisdom of our ancestors and passing it over to future generations. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book III of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. With new revelations on natural child-rearing and alternative education, on the spiritual significance of breast-feeding and the meaning of ancient megaliths, it shows how each person's thoughts can influence the destiny of the entire Earth and describes practical ways of putting Anastasia's vision of happiness into practice. Megre shares his new outlook on education and children's real creative potential after a visit to a school where pupils build their own campus and cover the ten-year Russian school program in just two years. Complete with an account of an armed intrusion into Anastasia's habitat, the book highlights the limitless power of Love and non-violence. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book IV of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A dramatic living image of the creation of the Universe and humanity's place in this creation, making this primordial mystery relevant to our everyday living today. Deeply metaphysical yet at the same time down-to-Earth practical, this heart-felt volume helps us uncover answers to the most significant questions about the essence and meaning of the Universe and the nature and purpose of our existence. It also shows how and why the knowledge of these answers, innate in every human being, has become obscured and forgotten and points the way toward reclaiming this wisdom and in partnership with Nature manifesting the energy of Love through our lives. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book II of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. Go on an adventure through the vast expanses of space, time and spirit from the Paradise-like glade in the Siberian taiga to the rough urban depths of Russia's capital city, from the ancient mysteries of our forebears to a vision of humanity's radiant future. For those who feel a deep connection to nature, or would like to deepen it for themselves; and those who have faith in the power of love and the human spirit. It is a presentation of a totally new way of being.   Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov
  • Edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Cayce demonstrates techniques for dream interpretation - predicting the future; discovering hidden personal talents; relieving nervous tension; making money; rearing children; discovering past lives; developing ESP; and gaining insight into this life and beyond.

  • Professor Hans Holzer, the bestselling author of Ghosts, explores the myriad forms and factions of witchcraft with an entree to the covens and cults where the ancient rituals are practiced. This compilation of Holzer's decades of first-hand research, which occurred mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, provides a unique insider's overview of the topic. Here are the secrets of the Craft, spells and incantations and interviews and personal testimony from the foremost practitioners. Holzer not only provides the reader with the history of witchcraft, he documents the lives and practices of actual witches pursuing the world's oldest religion. Hundreds of photographs from the author's own collection illuminate the subject and bring the rituals and rites of the Craft of the Wise to life.
  • A fabulous volume of the paranormal and fascinating from the ancient past to the modern day. Chapters: Riddles of The Past; Ancient Monuments; The Search For Atlantis; The Art Of Magic; Witchcraft; Monsters; Divination; Astrology Reincarnation; Ghosts And Spirits; Spiritualism; PSI And Science; The Power Of Dreams; Animal PSI; Mind Over Matter; Leaving The Body; Healing; Enigmas In The Sky; PSI And The Brain. Lavish colour and black and white illustrations.
  • Count Louis Hamon - or 'Cheiro' - was a renowned palmist whose world travels gained attention in the press and whose palm readings for the rich and famous of his day, including Mark Twain, elicited words of praise. In this unique book, first published in 1894. are methods for reading personalities, recognizing astrological links, and prognostication together with drawings of hands showing structural types and lines. A series of photographic hand prints taken directly from the famous people Cheiro read for, such as Sarah Bernhardt, is also included.
  • A secular bible history that examines the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalen, Eve, Sarah, Lot’s wife, Potiphar’s wife, Ruth, Delilah, the ‘witch' of Endor as well as Herodias and Jezebel, written in such a way as to throw clarity, insight and understanding of their roles and contributions to the kingdom.
  • The power of the pendulum has been used since the beginning of time. Those with the knowledge of its use have located buried treasure,  discovered water, divined the future and reaped all types of success. This book teaches you how to use a pendulum, how to make your own and how its powers can be used immediately. It also reveals the mysterious origins of the pendulum, its application in love and sex, choosing a diet or selecting a job, finding lost objects and even its use in healing.
  • Traditions dating back as far back as human memory associate the market town of Glastonbury with the magical realm of King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea, who is rumoured to have brought his young nephew Jesus and the Holy Grail to Glastonbury. The author brings together writings which reflect aspects of the Glastonbury legends, including excerpts from texts by Frederick Bligh Bond, William Blake, Dion Fortune, Katherine Maltwood and Ross Nichols, as well as stories and poems.
  • Eckhart Tolle has emerged as one of the world’s most inspiring spiritual teachers, sharing the enlightenment that he experienced after a startling personal transformation. His views go beyond any particular religion, doctrine or guru. This book extracts the essence from his teachings in The Power of Now, showing us how to free ourselves from “enslavement to the mind.” The aim is to be able to enter into and sustain an awakened state of consciousness throughout everyday life. Through meditations and simple techniques, Eckhart shows us how to quiet our thoughts, see the world in the present moment, and find a path to “a life of grace, ease, and lightness.”
  • If you really want to heal your life, you will need this interactive workbook. It directly applies Louise's techniques of self-love and positive thinking to a wide range of topics that effect us all on a daily basis, including: health fears and phobias; sex; self-esteem; money and prosperity; friendship;  addictive behaviour; work; and intimacy.https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/can-heal-life-louise-hay/
  • The late Louise L. Hay, bestselling author, was internationally known as a leader in the self-help field. Her key message is: If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.  Louise also shared her own harrowing experiences in the volume and how she overcame them. Chapters: What I Believe;  What Is the Problem? Where Does It Come From? Is It True? What Do we Do Now?  Resistance to Change;  How to Change;  Building the New; Daily Work;  Relationships; Work; Success; Prosperity; The Body. Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. With You Can Heal Your Life you will not only improve your life, but also improve the lives of all those around you. https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/love-heal-life-workbook-louise-hay/
  • Deepk Chopra sheds light on 20 life-enhancing principles for rediscovering the magic that we have lost, but that remains within our grasp. The result is a practical and accessible guide to one of life's shortest but most rewarding journeys: the one into the realm of boundless possibilities that exist within and all around us. Take the journey using the themes and metaphysics of the medieval Arthurian myth and a development of Merlin's philosophy and application of magic.
  • Are you afraid of making decisions...asking your boss for a pay rise...leaving an unfulfilling relationship...facing the future? Whatever your fear, this is the how-to book for you. Written in no nonsense term s and with plenty of commonsense, this volume contains the dynamic, energising techniques to let go of fear and move forward, step by step. Identifying what we are afraid of and why; how to move from victim to creator; the secret of making no-lose decisions; the ten-step process to out-talking the negative chatterbox within and most important of all, how to create more meaning in your life.
  • A book on self-empowerment that offers a wealth of ideas that readers can apply immediately to take complete control of their personal and work lives. It is intended for anyone who wants to make more money and get more satisfaction from life AND there is a plan based on the twelve principles for success and real-world action that can help you reach your goals.
  • A delightful book about learning to love and nurture yourself and others by understanding the true rhythms of life in the natural world. This book covers a range of disciplines and philosophies, ranging from the casting of spells and the brewing of love potions to harnessing the power of the Moon. There are also compatibility charts, useful exercises and important lessons, such as developing a sense of harmony and strength, cleansing your hurt feelings and empowering your intuition.  
  • Other guides to the zodiac usually offer just the basic facts - this one provides much more.  Brilliant color paintings on every page capture the magic of the stars, the planets, and the astrological symbols. Follow this sacred art from its earliest days to its dramatic rebirth in our century as people search for meaning in the events that affect their lives. Images and photographs of artifacts from all these periods attest to the important role played by astrology. The sections devoted to each sign feature all the symbols associated with it, along with detailed explanations of the personality, romantic tendencies, and career interests of those born under that sign. Even more intriguing are the descriptions of the different branches of astrology, including Karmic (past lives); Electional (which looks at timing); Horary (for specific questions); and others.
  • What happens in our mind when we dream? Why do we need to dream and what do those vivid images mean?  What do they tell us about ourselves? Dreams have always been a source of fascination and this book is a guide to benefitting from dream analysis. Whether they are absurd, vivid, frightening or puzzling, dreams are the universal language with archetypal symbols understood by everyone. Not only does this book explore the theories of dreams, it also contains suggestions on  interpreting and possibly acting upon your dreams.
  • A merry introduction for good would-be magic-makers to a world of spells, charms, amulets and practical magic for everyday concerns. It explores the main concepts and philosophy behind modern witchcraft and explains the basic rituals, what tools you will need and simple spells and charms for love and luck, friendship, good health, recovering lost objects, dispelling conflict, thwarting gossip and more. Illustrated.
  • Written by one of the world's leading experts on dreams and their meaning, this book focuses on what happens to our brains while we are asleep and explains clearly and precisely what it all means. The author discusses the work of famous analysts such as Freud and Jung and writes reassuringly about learning to cope with nightmares and how to solve problems while asleep. Explore the magical realm of sleep and inner consciousness with this fascinating, illustrated guide to the world of dreams. Illustrated.
  • After Witch: A Personal Journey, Fiona reveals even more of the intimate secrets and know-how of her spiritual calling, including rituals, spells and incarnations; festivals and sacred sites; details about Goddesses, Gods and familiars; cyber Witchcraft; interviews with other Witches and much, much more.  She also delves into the daily business of being a modern Witch at home, work and play; and how to cope with the spiritual intensity of following the Pagan path. Illustrated.