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Around The World With Auntie Mame: Patrick Dennis

Around The World With Auntie Mame: Patrick Dennis

Regular price $20.00 AUD
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The sequel to Auntie Mame. Two and a half years after Mame takes Patrick and Pegeen's son Michael on a world tip - after promising to have him back in time for school - it's left to Patrick to explain to his irate wife that Mame is a very good world traveller: she just has a habit of not setting a date for her return. As random and enthusiastic post cards arrive, Patrick - for the first time - tells of his travels with Auntie Mame before World War II...with one or two omissions. After all, revealing how Mame almost destroyed the Folies Bergère, got embroiled in preparations for a Nazi coup in Austria or upset the routine of a rich community of expatriates in the mountains of Lebanon...Well, revealing these escapades is not ideal for calming an anxious mother! Mame's faithful manservant Ito and best friend Vera Charles also appear on the world stage as the travel stickers begin to plaster the baggage!

Product Information

1st edition; hardback; two tape ghosts and age toning on front free endpaper only; all text and titles clear and legible; tightly bound and clean within, Modern Literature
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