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The Complete Medicinal Herbal: Penelope Ody

The Complete Medicinal Herbal: Penelope Ody

Regular price $25.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 AUD
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Elaborating on the healing powers of herbs, this guide demonstrates the best methods to extract healing properties and includes an A-to-Z portfolio of more than 120 medicinal herbs. There are beautiful colour photographs for each entry and detailed information on which parts of the herb is used medicinally; active ingredients; therapuetic applications; how to make and take herbal remedies; 250 safe treatments to alleviate common complaints, from coughs and colds to stress, as well as contraindications and warnings. Illustrated.

Product Information

Hardback; dust jacket has light shelfwear; 1st printing by Viking O’Neill 1993; tightly bound and clean within, Spiritual and Self Help
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