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Cultural Amnesia: Clive James

Cultural Amnesia: Clive James

Regular price $12.00 AUD
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This is the book the late Clive James (1939 - 2019) always wanted to write: an almanac combining a comprehensive survey of modern culture with an annotated index of who-was-who and what-was-what. It is his always-unique take on the places and the faces that shaped the twentieth-century. From Anna Akhmatova to Stefan Zweig, via Charles de Gaulle, Hitler, Thomas Mann and Wittgenstein, Tacitus to Thatcher, this varied and unfailingly absorbing book is both story and history, both public memoir and personal record – and provides an essential field-guide to the vast movements of taste, intellect, politics and delusion that helped to prepare the times we live in now. Not to be read at one sitting!

Product Information

Autobiography/Bio/Non-Fiction, OS paperback; no spine creases; a little scrape on spine otherwise no other condition issues to describe; tightly bound and clean within
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