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Devoted To You - Honouring The Deity In Wiccan Practice: Judy Harrow

Devoted To You - Honouring The Deity In Wiccan Practice: Judy Harrow

Regular price $105.00 AUD
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Modern Paganism is a religion of choice, one that allows for the devotion to different Gods and Goddesses. Here the author and three other modern Pagan elders tell of their religious observances and show how demonstrating deep connections can work in your life. Explaining their intense working with specific deities corresponding with the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Alexei Kondratiev writes on Brigit; Geoffrey W. Miller on Anubis; Maureen Reddington-Wilde on Aphrodite; and Harrow on Gaia. From the myths and stories surrounding each deity to rituals and exercises for their veneration, suggestions for personal retreats; vision quests and dream work - this is the ideal guide for those practitioners ready to interact more intensely with the Ancient Gods.

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Large paperback; brand new; very scarce title, Spiritual and Self Help
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