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Fatal Cure: Robin Cook

Fatal Cure: Robin Cook

Regular price $12.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 AUD
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Doctors Angela and David Wilson believe they've found personal and professional bliss when they leave the stresses of the inner city for a state of the art Bartlet Community Hospital in Vermont - green lawns, crystal lakes, glorious autumns and a haven for renewed romance and a perfect environment for their daughter, a cystic fibrosis sufferer. It was a dream come true, a chance to work within an enlightened system of "managed care". But their bliss rapidly disintegrates when mysterious and unexplained deaths become more than coincidence as, one by one, their dreams turned to nightmares. And day by day, their patients began to die...

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BCA edition 1994; hardback with dust jacket; very good copy; one or two fox-marks on block not affecting pages or text, Modern Literature
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