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Ironhelm: Douglas Niles

Ironhelm: Douglas Niles

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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Forgotten Realms. Book I of The Matzica trilogy. In a corner of the world is the exotic continent of Maztica. There, Erix the slave girl learns of a great destiny laid upon her by the gods. At the same time, across the sea, a fateful mission of exploration embarks. The explorers, a legion of mercenaries, sail westwards to discover a land of primitive savagery mixed with high culture, brutal bloodthirsty gods and lavish treasures. Under the banner of their God Helm, the legion claims these lands for their own. When Erix sees her land invaded by the strangers, when her world begins to collapse. then her startling destiny is revealed. Cover art by Fred Fields.

Product Information

Fantasy, Paperback; Pengion 1990; very light spine crease otherwise very good
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