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Hunters In The Sea: Robin White

Hunters In The Sea: Robin White

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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During the heyday of the USSR, Russian scientists - desperate to create a weapon that no sophisticated defence system could stop - turned to one of the oldest killers of all:smallpox. Modifying it to evade the human immune system, they created something so destructive that even they realized that it could never be used. Codenamed HUNTER, the disease was left to rot in an obscure lab in the heart of Russia as the Soviet state collapsed around it. But now a disgruntled former Russian scientist has defected to a shadowy group of terrorists and has taken passage to the Middle East in a rusty freighter full of so-called freedom fighters. In his case is stored one test tube of this new plague. In the midst of the worst storm in the history of the Mediterranean, only two men can stop him. Commander William Steadman of the attack boat USS Portland and Captain Rem Reonov of the Russian Akula class submarine Gepard hold the fate of the world in their hands, if only their superiors can recognize that they're on the same side. What no one knows, least of all the hapless terrorists on the freighter, is that HUNTER is already free on the boat and that the end of the world is already upon them.

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Modern Literature, Paperback; Orion 2007; light spine creases otherwise a very good copy; tightly bound and clean within
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