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Kangaroo: D.H. Lawrence

Kangaroo: D.H. Lawrence

Regular price $45.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 AUD
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The tale of a visit to New South Wales by Richard Lovat Somers, and English writer and his German wife Harriet in the early 1920s. Kangaroo is the nickname of Benjamin Cooley, a prominent ex-soldier and lawyer, who is also the leader of a secretive, fascist paramilitary organisation, the "Diggers Club". Cooley invites Somers to join the movement, but although he fascinates Somers, he has come prepared to dislike all things Australian - or indeed, to look down on everything and everyone except himself - and maintains his distance. The novel is believed to be somewhat autobiographical, based on a three-month visit to Australia by D. H. Lawrence and his wife Frieda, in 1922.

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Modern Literature, Times House edition 1984; as new; appears unread; no signs of previous ownership; no condition issues to describe
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