Koren: Tim Lukeman
Koren: Tim Lukeman
Sequel to Rajan. The mysterious Lhas'kar - the silent warriors who slip through walls like mist, whose swords do not know defeat - pledge themselves to no warlord or country. They are a society unto themselves, silent behind their scarves of red silk, feared and hated by all men. Koren, a simple fisherman's son, innocent of the ways of the world and the cruelty of men has taken the Lhas-kar brand on his cheek for the love of his friend Chimu. He makes a solitary journey to the Lhas'kar's hidden fortress to find Chimu and win him back from that company of assassins. But the rhune on his face has marked him irrevocably - wherever he goes, men will not look into his eyes or ask his name. For the rest of his life, he is only Lhas-kar...Cover art by John Pound.