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Let The Right One In: John Ajvide Lindqvist

Let The Right One In: John Ajvide Lindqvist

Regular price $8.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 AUD
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It is autumn, 1981. Twelve-year-old Oskar, who has an incontinence problem and who likes eating sweets and collecting stories of violent murder from the newspaper, is personally hoping that revenge has come at long last - revenge for the bullying he endures at school, day after day. Luckily, the new girl next door shows promise A girl who never seems to feel the cold, who has never seen a Rubik's Cube before, but who can solve it at once. A girl whose hair sometimes seems to have a lot of grey in it. There's a good chance she's as big a misfit as Oskar. There's something odd about her. And she only comes out at night. But her 'father' is another matter. There's a whiff of something very bad hanging around him. Right after their arrival, a child's body is found hanging from a tree, drained of blood. Amid the media frenzy other weird things start to happen. The police think it's a serial killer. They're so wrong...

Product Information

Horror/Occult, OS paperback; very faint shelfwear; no spine creases; tightly bound and clean withi
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