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Lightly Poached: Lillian Beckwith

Lightly Poached: Lillian Beckwith

Regular price $8.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 AUD
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The Lord puts the salmon in the river like he puts the berries on the trees. They're there for all of us, not just for the laird. The way the Bruachites see it, poaching wasn't a crime, even if you had to keep an eye out for the police. It was more like a natural right. And Fishermen Erchy and Hector are the experts, but they are not the only ones tempted - even a visiting vicar succumbs to the temptation of the fat salmon that fill the island's streams and pools. Like her other four collections of tales about her eccentric island friends, Lillian Beckwith gives us the funny side of many a unique adventure.

Product Information

Autobiography/Bio/Non-Fiction, Paperback; tightly bound and clean within; book exchange stamp on plot synopsis page otherwise no condition issues to describe
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