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Lost Dorsai: Gordon R. Dickson

Lost Dorsai: Gordon R. Dickson

Regular price $6.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 AUD
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Book VI of The Childe Cycle. The men of Dorsai, the finest soldiers in the Galaxy, had been hired by El Conde, sovereign of Gebel Nahar, to transform his raggle-taggle army into a fighting force to be reckoned with. Now revolution had erupted and the men once trained by the Dorsai bore arms against him. Bound by their rigid code of honour, the mercenaries' first duty was to protect El Conde from the rebels. But what chance had a handful of warriors against the Naharese? Cover Art by Les Edwards.

Product Information

Paperback; Sphere 1984; cover fold-back crease; no discernible spine creases; light shelfwear; tightly bound and clean within, Sci-Fi/UFO
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