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Millennial Momentum: Morley Winograd and Michael D. Hais

Millennial Momentum: Morley Winograd and Michael D. Hais

Regular price $12.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 AUD
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About every eight decades, give or take, and coincident with the most stressful and perilous events in U.S. history – the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, the Great Depression and World War II – a new, positive, accomplished ‘civic generation’ emerges to change the course of history and to remake America. The Millennial Generation (born between 1982 – 2003) is America’s newest civic generation. They made their mark by electing Barack Obama to the White House and going beyond that pivotal event, Millennial Momentum goes on to tell the story of how this next great generation will transform other areas of American culture – from education to entertainment, from workplace to home and from business to politics and government. Drawing from an impressive array of demographic data, popular texts and personal interviews, the authors show how the socially tolerant, ethnically diverse and technologically fluent Millennials can help guide the United States to retain its leadership of the world community and global marketplace.

Product Information

1st edition by Rutgers University Press 2011; hardback; dust jacket not price clipped; no condition issues to describe, Autobiography/Bio/Non-Fiction
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