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Nightingale's Lament: Simon R. Green

Nightingale's Lament: Simon R. Green

Regular price $10.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 AUD
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Nightside III. John Taylor - detective - works the garish streets of the Nightside, the hidden heart of London, where it's always 3.00 a.m... where otherworldly gods and inhuman creatures walk side by side in the endless darkness of the soul. He has a talent for finding things: people, property...but now he's got to find a local diva called the Nightingale, who's cut herself off from her family and friends. Not only that - her suicide-prone fans think she has a voice to die for - literally. To get to the truth, he's got to listen to the most enticingly beautiful and deadly voice in all the Nightside - and survive. Cover art by Jonathan Barkat.

Product Information

Fantasy, Paperback; as new; very faint shelfwear otherwise no condition issues to describe
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