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The Non-Sexist Dictionary: Ronald Searle

The Non-Sexist Dictionary: Ronald Searle

Regular price $18.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 AUD
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Realising he was on more than delicate ground and risking being caught between the choppers of the Machos and the Amazons , the irrepressible Ronald Searle felt it was more than time for a de-sexerciser - or at least, having a second look at some of the more sombre sexist crannies in the English language. The French don't seem to mind that la barbe (beard) is feminine; but in neuter English there are some anomalies crying out for correction. Is it logic that men should monopolise menopause ? Out of justice, womenpause must come. And so, Searle has corrected anomalies such as abandonment (abandonwoment) mandolin (womandolin) dismantle diswomantle - and more - complete with illustrations.

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Antiquities & Oddities, Print board cover; tightly bound and clean within; decorative endpapers and paste downs; gift inscription on front pastedown not obscuring artwork
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