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Now, Voyager: Olive Higgins Prouty

Now, Voyager: Olive Higgins Prouty

Regular price $140.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $140.00 AUD
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Untold waves, by life and land ne'er guessed; Now, Voyager, sail thou forth to seek and find. Charlotte Vale, born into an aristocratic Boston family, has led an unhappy, sheltered life. Lonely, dowdy, repressed by a domineering mother and teased by members of her family into a breakdown Charlotte finds salvation at a sanitarium and help from Dr. Jaquith. She undergoes an emotional and physical transformation, what would be called now an extreme makeover and the new Charlotte tests her mettle by embarking on a cruise. She finds herself in a torrid love affair with a married man - an affair which must end at the conclusion of the voyage. But only then can the real journey begin, as Charlotte is forced to navigate a new life for herself. First published in 1941, Now, Voyager is more than a romance; it is the empowering story of a woman who finds the strength to chart her own course in life; who discovers love, sex, and even motherhood outside of marriage; and who learns that men are, ultimately, dispensable in the quest for happiness and fulfillment.

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Hodder and Stoughton 1943; hardback; a little foxing on free endpapers only; tightly bound and clean within; scarce edition, Modern Literature
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