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Omnivore: Piers Anthony

Omnivore: Piers Anthony

Regular price $5.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 AUD
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Book I of Of Man And Manta. Herbivore: one who eats only vegetables; carnivore: one who lives by bloody and flesh; and omnivore: who feeds on all things to sustain life. And so there were three; all human, all held together in an indeterminate love triangle: the man of brawn, the cripple and the woman. They were scientists on a troubleshooting expedition to the planet Nacre, the silent, dusky planet of multiform mushrooms and spore-clouds, where eighteen had died or disappeared before them. They were there to explore, discover, record - not really afraid, but then... not really prepared for the awesome secret of Nacre's mystical third kingdom of fungi. Cover art by Peter Jones.

Product Information

Paperback; cover crease; cover fold-back crease; acceptable reading copy; tightly bound and clean, Sci-Fi/UFO
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