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Reunion: Janise Beaumont

Reunion: Janise Beaumont

Regular price $10.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 AUD
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Ten friends; thirty years of stories. Do you sometimes wonder what happened to your school-friends. What have their lives been like since leaving the school gates for the last time? Janise Beaumont's friends, from the baby boomer generation were approaching fifty, so she decided to sit down with them, reminisce and catch up. They remember when Kennedy was shot; Catcher In The Rye mania; warm school milk; Australia's polio epidemic; playing Spin The Bottle and Brigitte Bardot dresses. Some were married, some had divorced and some had remarried...sometimes unhappily. One has left her husband for another woman. One has left the convent for a husband and family. They have borne children and buried parents; their children have brought great joy and in some cases, struggle and grief. These stories represent an entire generation of women, yet each story is different - ten unique journeys. Illustrated with black and white photos.

Product Information

Autobiography/Bio/Non-Fiction, Large paperback; very light shelfwear; no spine creases; tightly bound and clean within; previous owner's name on half-title page
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