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Ship Of Rome: John Stack

Ship Of Rome: John Stack

Regular price $10.00 AUD
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Atticus, captain of one of the ships of Rome's small coastal fleet is from a Greek fishing family. Septimus, legionary commander, reluctantly ordered aboard ship is from Rome and a traditional army family. But the arrival of the hostile fleet, larger, more skilful and more powerful than any Atticus has encountered, forces them to work together. Atticus is propelled into the middle of a political struggle that is totally foreign to him. Rome needs to build an navy - fast - but political animosities, hide-bound traditional legions and Roman prejudice against those not Roman-born are all obstacles. The enemy are first class, experienced and determined to control the seas. Can Atticus and the fledgling Roman navy staffed with inexperienced sailors and unwilling legionaries out-wit and out-fight the opponents?

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Modern Literature, OS paperback; single spine crease; tightly bound and clean within
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