Sigrid And The Sergeant: Robert Buckner
Sigrid And The Sergeant: Robert Buckner
Sergeant Willis Kling of the U.S. 68th stationed in Germany is a man of distinction, an admired photographer and scared of only one thing - marriage! At first it looked like relaxation in the town of Fuggerminken, Bavaria, where the women outnumber the men four to one, would present no problem. But then Willis pointed his camera at beautiful, blonde Sigrid - a member of the sinister Pomerantz plan, designed to lead soldiers into life-long marital captivity. D-Day arrived - and the Pomerantz scheme was implemented with deadly precision as the sweet girls of Fuggerminken closed in on their targets. Robert Buckner wrote many screen plays including Jezebel, Dodge City, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Sante Fe Trail and Elvis Presley's first film, Love Me Tender. Sigrid and the Sergeant was his first novel in twenty years. Jacket design by Carl Rose.