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Sleeping Beauties: Stephen King; Owen King

Sleeping Beauties: Stephen King; Owen King

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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Around the world, something strange is happening to the women. They are falling victim to a sleeping virus which shrouds them in a cocoon-like gauze. If woken, if the gauze is disturbed, the women become rabidly and spectacularly violent. In the small town of Dooling, West Virginia, the virus is spreading through a women's prison, affecting all inmates - except one. The enigmatic Evie. The abandoned men are beginning to fight one another, while the town sheriff, Lila Norcross. is just fighting to stay awake and solve the mystery. But the clock is ticking and the women of Dooling are about to open their eyes to a new world, somewhere else altogether - and what of the enigmatic Evie? Is she a medical anomaly to be studied or a demon to be slain?

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Horror/Occult, Large paperback; appears unread
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