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STARK: Ben Elton

STARK: Ben Elton

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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Stark has more money than God and the social conscience of a dog on a croquet lawn. And they know the Earth is dying. A conspiracy is formed, and a planet-sized plot is hatched; the money-men who have destroyed the Earth are preparing to live in outer space - just until the Earth renews itself, ready for fresh exploitation. Some green freaks pick up the scent: CD, a Pommie poseur; Rachel, a rebel with a cause; Zimmerman, a brain-fried Vietnam Vet who got his balls shot off in the conflict; Walter, his peaceable mate; the Culboons, an aboriginal couple who have lost their land to the STARK conspiracy -and Chrissy, a determined American journo. Together they'll bring the rich enviro-vandals to justice - but they'll have to do more than stick up two fingers and say, "Peace." This novel contains one of Elton's finest quotes: To be able to own a swimming pool is a reality - to be able to own seventeen is a meaningless abstract. Cover shows Derrick O'Connor as Zimmerman and Ben Elton as CD in a scene from the TV mini-series of STARK.

Product Information

Paperback; no spine creases; light shelfwear; tightly bound and clean within, Sci-Fi/UFO
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