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Stonehenge: Where Atlantis Died: Harry Harrison and Leon Stover

Stonehenge: Where Atlantis Died: Harry Harrison and Leon Stover

Regular price $12.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 AUD
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Fleeing from the volcanic eruption that devastated the island kingdom of Atlantic, three men escape. They are Prince Ason of Mycenae, the Egyptian envoy Iteb and Aias, the man from Byblos who Atlantis had enslaved. The three make it to Britain, the island of the Yerni. Mycenae's vital British tin mines have been laid waste - their guardians massacred. The three voyagers - together with Naikeri, proud daughter of the Albi and Ason's lover - take on the warlike Yerni. Then their old enemies the Atlanteans invade and it becomes imperative to unite the Yerni against them, to forge a new nation from warring tribes by raising the mighty stone symbol of a new order - Stonehenge...Cover art by Gino D'Achille.

Product Information

Fantasy, Paperback; single light spine crease; very light shelfwear; minor scuff at base of spine; tightly bound and clean within; title becoming scarce
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