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The Cucumber King: Christine Nöstlinger

The Cucumber King: Christine Nöstlinger

Regular price $60.00 AUD
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There was a person sitting on the kitchen table - a person about eighteen inches tall - looking for all the world like a large, fat cucumber. And it was talking...Perhaps there's nothing unusual about a cucumber. But a cucumber that talks, that suddenly appears in the kitchen and starts throwing its weight around (about being a KING cucumber)...Then to discover it's planning revenge on rebellious cucumber subjects (living in OUR basement...) and it expects us to lend a hand in the massacre...It's enough to disrupt any family. And especially ours! A children's book? Maybe - but have a look and seeing what the grown-ups on Goodreads remember about it! Translated by Anthea Bell.

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Antiquities & Oddities, Paperback; Target/Wyndham Publications 1976; VERY SCARCE; light shelfwear; tightly bound and clean within
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