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The Hand Of Zei: L. Sprague de Camp

The Hand Of Zei: L. Sprague de Camp

Regular price $10.00 AUD
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Book II of the Krishna Series. In the Banjao Sea of the planet Krishna lies Sungar, home of legend and mystery. Under the scorching rays of the sun, the galleys of Dur and the ships of Jazmuria slowly rot in the unbreakable grip of a vast floating continent of sea vine. Nothing, caught in the grip of the weed can escape. Dirk Barnvelt learns that he will shortly find himself isolated in the middle of this terrible place, without scientific equipment, surrounded by dangers with an unfulfilled mission and the necessity of making an impossible escape. Cover art by Paul Alexander.

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Paperback; faint corner cover crease; slight shelfwear; remaindered bookseller's hole puch; tightly bound and clean within, Sci-Fi/UFO
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