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The Magic Army: Leslie Thomas

The Magic Army: Leslie Thomas

Regular price $5.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 AUD
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From the creator of Dangerous Davies. In the spring and early summer of 1944 a huge force - over a million and a half strong - spread across Southern England awaiting the greatest adventure in military history - the invasion of Occupied Europe. This army - mainly British, Americans and Canadians -- most of whom had no experience of battle, was to be transported across the English Channel. No-one knew how. This is the story of the the American 'occupation' of South Devon to permit realistic war games. with characters ranging from General Eisenhower to the village simpleton. A recreation of the astonishing operation which preceded the Allied landing in France.

Product Information

Modern Literature, Paperback; faint spine crease; light shelfwear; small nick in front cover; tightly bound and clean within; acceptable reading copy
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