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The Tolkien And Middle-Earth Handbook: Colin Duriez

The Tolkien And Middle-Earth Handbook: Colin Duriez

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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J. R. R. Tolkien created an entire fantasy world-complete with its own history, languages, geography, and literature. Readers are quickly caught up in orcs and hobbits, Ents, Elven lords, and hundreds of other fascinating and often complex characters who inhabit this magical place. But what are readers to do when they can't remember who Amras was, where in Middle-earth Caras Galadon can be found, or what one might expect to see in the Halls of Mandos? This helpful guide presents all the key characters, places and events of importance in Tolkien's writings in dictionary format. It also contains details about Tolkien's friends and colleagues, the writers and thinkers who influenced his work, summaries of his beliefs and how they are revealed in his writing as well as a list of Tolkien's works. Cover art by Rodney Matthews.

Product Information

Fantasy, Large paperback; very faint spine creases; small nick in cover; tightly bound and clean within
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