Stephen King

//Stephen King
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  • Book IV of The Dark Tower. The dark tower beckons Roland, the gunslinger. Roland is determined to make the journey with the companions he has gathered: Susannah Holmes, wheel-chair bound; Eddie Dean, a narcotic prisoner, a boy named Jake and his pet creature Oy. Through the devastated  urban wasteland to the Mid-World where cavernous black holes threaten the structure of the tower, time grows thin and the past becomes a riddle. The malevolent monorail hurtles ever on,  threatening destruction as the pilgrims bargain desperately. There is hidden danger on all sides: from the terror of Roland's relentless cunning enemy to the temptation of the wizard's glass. Cover art by Bob Warner.

  • Book VI of The Dark Tower. Roland and his loyal followers Jake, Father  Callahan and Oy set out to break Susannah's date with destiny. She has used the power of Black Thirteen to transport her from the farming community of Calla Bryn Sturgis to New York where she prepares to give birth to an unknown entity. Meanwhile, Roland and Eddie brave the state of Maine, 1977 - a frightful world, a real world where bullets are flying. A world inhabited by the author of a novel called 'Salem's Lot....With 16 full-colour illustrations by  Darrel Anderson.
  •  Carrie: Carrie's a gawky, shy fifteen year old - always the odd one out. All she wants is to be normal. After a traumatic bullying incident, she finds that she is telekinetic and when the ultimate degradation is heaped on her by school bullies, her powers give her the ideal revenge.

    The Shining: Danny is just five years old but to old Mr. Hallorann, he is a 'shiner' - a vessel of psychic voltage. When Danny's father becomes the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, Danny's visions run riot. As winter blizzards close them in, the hotel begins to develop a life of its own.  It should be empty.  But who is the lady in Room 21? And who are the masked guests going up and down in the elevator?  And why do the hedges, all shaped like animals, seem to come alive?  There is an evil force in the Overlook Hotel...and it too is beginning to shine.

    'Salem's Lot: Many years ago, Hubert Marsten - wealthy eccentric of 'Salem's Lot - blasted his wife with a shotgun then hanged himself. For decades, the local kids dared and double-dared each other to go into the abandoned house. But now the old Marsten house is coming alive the most awful of ways.  Its infection begins to spread through the little town, to manifest in the most unspeakable of ways until practically no-one is human any longer.  Ben Mears, writer, and his eleven year old charge Mark, escape the horror, only to have to return and put a stop to it once and for all - if they can.

    All titles contained herein are complete and unabridged.
  • When the Creeds move into a beautiful old house in rural Maine, it all seems too good to be true: physician father, beautiful wife, charming little daughter, adorable infant son-and now an idyllic home. As a family, they've got it all...right down to the friendly cat. But the nearby woods hide a blood-chilling truth-more terrifying than death itself-and hideously more powerful. The Creeds are going to learn that sometimes dead is better...Cover art by Gerry Grace.
  • Dolores Claiborne has a story to tell but it's not the one the police expect to hear. Suspected of murdering Vera Donovan, the widow for whom she worked as a housekeeper and companion, Dolores admits the two women didn't always get on. Seemingly neglected by her children and full of bitterness despite her wealth, Vera Donovan hovered on the brink of madness for years. And when her demons became too strong, Dolores was there to take the punishment - and maybe, one day, Dolores had had enough. But Dolores Claibornes's story is different...darker...stranger - and a lot more horrifying.  This is the Book Club Associates edition, dated 1992, the true first edition of this book, predating the 1993 'first' edition. Refer:
  • Wentworth, Ohio:  a small, idyllic friendly little town, where the Carver children bicker over sweets and Johnny Marinville is about the only resident who minds his own business. And on Poplar Street, it's a normal summer's day, with lawnmowers humming, Little League bats tinking, Frisbees flying and barbecues being readied. But young Cary Ripton, on his paper round notices something weird about the way Audrey Wyler is standing inside her glass door - and he's always thought there was something creepy about her nephew, Poplar Street's best kept secret. What Cary doesn't notice is the chrome-red van idling up the hill...soon it will begin to roll, the killing will begin and the Regulators will arrive in force.  And by night-fall on the block, the surviving residents will find themselves in a wasteland of devastation and despair...Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • Rosie Daniels, trapped in a fourteen year nightmare marriage is suddenly roused by a single drop of blood and she realises that her husband Norman is going to kill her. Or maybe - worse still - he won't. And she takes flight – with his credit card. Alone in a strange city, Rosie begins to build a new life: she meets Bill Steiner and she finds an old junk shop painting, "Rose Madder," which is perfect for her new apartment and strangely, the painting seems to want her as much as she wants it.  But it’s hard for Rosie not to keep looking over her shoulder. Rose-maddened and on the rampage, Norman is a corrupt cop with a dog’s instinct for tracking people. And he’s getting close. Rosie can feel just how close he is getting… Cover art by Bob Warner.
  • Some chillers, some thrillers, a few revenges and even a moral or two in this selection from the Master of Horror: Dolan's Cadillac: A staid schoolteacher swears to avenge the death of his wife at the hands of a big crime boss; The End of the Whole Mess: A rare mineral found in a town's water supply makes the population there gentle and what if that could be spread to the world...? Suffer the Little Children: Miss Sidley, an experienced teacher suspects one of her students, Robert, is not quite human...and he might not be the only one... The Night Flier: A reporter follows  a hunch that a serial killer may be travelling from victim to victim in a light plane. Popsy: A  gambling addict, in debt and fearful for his life, snatches a little boy to sell...but he hasn't bargained on the little lad's Popsy... It Grows on You: An infamous house in Castle Rock takes on a life of its own.  Chattery Teeth: The joke teeth sat there on the shop counter on their comic oversize shoes and even though they no longer worked, Hogan knew his son would love them - but the funny little teeth still had a trick or two...Dedication: A coloured maid working in a hotel takes an unusual route to fall pregnant. The Moving Finger: A disembodied finger seems to have moved into a bathroom pipe - but only one man can see it.  Sneakers: There are plenty of haunted houses - but a haunted mens' bathroom?  You Know They've Got  Hell of A Band: A quarrelsome husband and wife get lost on a road trip, and find themselves in the quaint little town of Rock and Roll Heaven. Home Delivery: On a small island off the coast of Maine, a small community prepares to defend themselves from an attack of reanimated corpses. Rainy Season: A young couple, new in town, believe the locals are playing a joke on them about the dangerous  'rainy season...'  My Pretty Pony: An elderly man gives his young grandson a pocket watch and warns him against the dangers of letting time slip away. Sorry, Right Number:  A woman gets a mysterious call late in the night and she is sure it isn't a wrong number.  The Ten O'Clock People: Nicotine withdrawal can be scary - very scary... Crouch End: A couple become lost in London streets - and one is lost for ever... The House On Maple Street: The Bradbury children don't like their step-father very much - so should they tell him when the find their house is gradually turning into something else entirely?  The Fifth Quarter: A map leading to treasure from a heist is divided into pieces - who will get them all? The Doctor's Case: A Holmes and Watson case - solved by Doctor Watson. Umney's Last Case - Umney, the ultimate 30s private eye lives in the ultimate 30s world of newsstand boys and diners - until the day his perfect world unravels, with no warning at all...Head Down; Brooklyn August.  Cover art by Paul Davies.
  • Headed down the highway are the Jacksons, on their way home to New York; the Carvers, a family on vacation and Johnny Marinville, a once-famous author.  They all encounter the little town of Desperation, which should be a refuge in the middle of the Nevada desert.  But the once thriving copper mining town is eerily empty.  Almost abandoned - except for the local cop patrolling the wilderness, guarding Desperation's secrets, hidden in the landscape. When those secrets are unleashed, a terrifying transformation takes place and the travellers learn the true meaning of the word desperation...Cover art by Chris Moore.