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  • Beneath the Opera House in Paris, somewhere in the dark labyrinths hidden from public view, the Phantom lurks, watching and waiting.  In his crazed obsession to further the career of a beautiful young singer, he will stop at nothing - not even murder. This 75th anniversary edition contains a foreword by Peter Haining, which introduces the larger-than-life character of author Gaston Leroux and traces the history of the Phantom - its basis in fact, the novel's poor reception yet its astonishing success in the cinema and theatre.  There is also a special appendix in which a speculation links the Phantom to Sherlock Holmes.   Cover art by Mark Teague.

  • Disturbing tales - and disturbing authors! - in this volume: George and Alice and Isabel, William Trevor; Gone Is Gone, Joan Fleming; The Margenes, Miriam Allen deFord; Mummy To The Rescue, Angus Wilson; Miss Cornelius, William Fryer Harvey; The Middle Toe Of The Right Foot, Ambrose Bierce; The Phantom Of The Screen, Lawrie Wyman; The Book, Margaret Irwin; The Man Who Collected Poe, Robert Bloch; The Squaw, Bram Stoker; The Small World of Lewis Stillman, William F. Nolan; The Attic Express, Alex Hamilton; Mr George, August Derleth; I Used To Live Here Once, Jean Rhys. Disturbing cover art by Rus Anderson.

  • This volume contains three of Russell's best-known horror tales: Sanguinarius: Count Ferencz Nadasdy - Charming, handsome, irresistible...and depraved beyond redemption as he indulges in fiendish rites. Sardonicus: The hideously afflicted master of a remote, dungeon-dark castle. Sagittarius: Laval - a monstrous actor in plays of torture and death, plays that become terrifyingly real...
  • While known for his chidlren's stories Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, Dahl also wrote some dark twisters for adults. He has been described as in the style of Ray Bradbury. Some of these tales are quirky and fun; some are chillers and some are dark...Poison; The Sound Machine; Georgy Porgy; Genesis And Catastrophe; The Hitch-hiker; The Umbrella Man; Mr. Botibol;  Vengeance is Mine Inc.; The Butler.
  • To his mother, Joey seemed to be just an ordinary 6 year old boy - special to her, but no-one else. To the Servants of Twilight he is an Anti-Christ, an evil presence that must be destroyed. The terrifying ordeal for Joey and his mother begins in a supermarket car park when an old woman accosts them and pursues them with her terrible threats. Christine's world is turned upside down into a nightmare of terror.  Only her love for her child and the support of the one man who believes in her will give her a chance to survive the Servants of Twilight.

  • Beneath the Opera House in Paris, somewhere in the dark labyrinths hidden from public view, the Phantom lurks, watching and waiting.  In his crazed obsession to further the career of a beautiful young singer, he will stop at nothing - not even murder.
  • Ashton wasn't a big important town, yet it was here that three very different characters would face the hardest tests of their lives.  Marshall, an ex-city newspaper editor with an eye for a story and a nose for something rotten; Hank, the young pastor of a small church in danger of tearing itself apart and Tal, captain of the angelic warriors summoned to make a stand against an encroaching tide of evil.  They had to face a callous, clever, sleepless enemy and they would need each other more than would dare to believe. Cover art by Vic Mitchell.
  • Headed down the highway are the Jacksons, on their way home to New York; the Carvers, a family on vacation and Johnny Marinville, a once-famous author.  They all encounter the little town of Desperation, which should be a refuge in the middle of the Nevada desert.  But the once thriving copper mining town is eerily empty.  Almost abandoned - except for the local cop patrolling the wilderness, guarding Desperation's secrets, hidden in the landscape. When those secrets are unleashed, a terrifying transformation takes place and the travellers learn the true meaning of the word desperation...Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • Andreas's disappearance is a mystery to all, including his inseparable friend Zipp.  But Zipp finds it hard to tell the police the details of when he last saw his friend - they had been shadowing an old woman, an easy target for some quick cash and Andreas, brandishing his knife, had boldly followed her into her house.  And then he was gone.   Inspector Sejer and his colleagues are baffled, but while the confusion in the outside world continues, a chilling, heart-stopping drama is unfolding inside the old woman's home. Appearances aren't always to be believed, and people are not always what they seem.
  • Weaveworld: Welcome to the Fugue, a magical land inhabited by descendants of supernatural beings who once shared the earth with humans. The Fugue has been woven into a wondrous, magnificent carpet for protection against those who would destroy it; but as the carpet begins to unravel, battle is joined between good and the particularly repulsive evil forces for control of the Fugue. Title art by Tim White. Cabal: Boone now knew for sure there was no place on this earth for him, no happiness here, not even with Lori. Just as certain as there as no salvation possible for him in Heaven. He would let Hell claim him then, let Death take him there. But Death itself seemed to shrink from him. No wonder, if he had indeed been the monster who had shattered and violated and shredded so many others' lives. And Decker had shown him the proof - the hellish proof of the photographs where the victims were forever still, splayed in the last obscene moment of their torture. Neither Heaven, nor Hell, nor Earth was possible. It could only be Midian then - that awful, legendary place which gathered to itself in its monstrous embrace the half-dead, the Nightbreed. Boone made his way there, not knowing and caring even less. All he wanted was to leave the nightmare behind....but the nightmare had yet to begin... Title art by David Scutt.
  • Late last night and the night before...Tommyknockers, tommyknockers, knocking at the door...Something's happening in the idylllic little town of Haven, Maine.  Something that comes from a metal object, buried for millennia, that Bobbi literally accidentally stumbles across. Now there's something strange about Bobbi, too. Jim Gardner, poet, drunk and potential suicide decides to visit Bobbi, his only real friend - and he finds she's lost an alarming amount of weight...and she's dismantling kitchen appliances and making weirdly brilliant inventions out of them...and then there's the thing she's discovered buried in her garden.  And as she digs, the metamorphosis of Haven's citizens becomes stranger and more murderous to outsiders. Jim realises he isn't in another drunken nightmare, he's in a waking one of terrifying significance. Bobbi and the other good folks of Haven didn't sell their souls to reap the rewards of the most deadly evil this side of hell. It was more like a diabolical takeover...an invasion of body, soul - and mind...
  •  Carrie: Carrie's a gawky, shy fifteen year old - always the odd one out. All she wants is to be normal. After a traumatic bullying incident, she finds that she is telekinetic and when the ultimate degradation is heaped on her by school bullies, her powers give her the ideal revenge.

    The Shining: Danny is just five years old but to old Mr. Hallorann, he is a 'shiner' - a vessel of psychic voltage. When Danny's father becomes the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, Danny's visions run riot. As winter blizzards close them in, the hotel begins to develop a life of its own.  It should be empty.  But who is the lady in Room 21? And who are the masked guests going up and down in the elevator?  And why do the hedges, all shaped like animals, seem to come alive?  There is an evil force in the Overlook Hotel...and it too is beginning to shine.

    'Salem's Lot: Many years ago, Hubert Marsten - wealthy eccentric of 'Salem's Lot - blasted his wife with a shotgun then hanged himself. For decades, the local kids dared and double-dared each other to go into the abandoned house. But now the old Marsten house is coming alive again...in the most awful of ways.  Its infection begins to spread through the little town, to manifest in the most unspeakable of ways until practically no-one is human any longer.  Ben Mears, writer, and his eleven year old charge Mark, escape the horror, only to have to return and put a stop to it once and for all - if they can.

    All titles contained herein are complete and unabridged.
  • Chyna Shepherd, twenty-six,  had a dark childhood which taught her to fear strange houses, and she cannot sleep on this first night in the home of her college friend Laura. A muffled scream from another room alarms her. A homicidal sociopath, Edgler Vess, is intent on killing everyone in the house. Life has taught Chyna to be a survivor but this will be her greatest test. A series of strange developments find her in Vess's motorhome - a dungeon and morgue on wheels - without him being aware of her presence. Vess lives only to satisfy his every appetite, to seek ever more outrageous experience, to immerse himself in sensation - to live with intensity. At first Chyna's only goal is to get out alive. But when she learns the identity of Vess's next victim and realises that only she can save that precious life, she must face the fact that a moral life requires acceptance of unwanted responsibilities. She must find courage and take risks beyond any she imagined she could endure. Cover art  by J. James.

  • It started out as an ordinary Los Angeles smog. But when it refused to go away and the ozone level climbed to the highest level ever, scientist Walter Peters knew something was wrong. The sky turned yellow. Then brown. The smog-thick sky was a living, breathing monster, capable of destroying cars, planes, buildings...starting fires...and killing people. In Doug Shreiber's mansion, an elite group of meteorologists, pollution control experts, computer programmers and occultists gathered to deal with the emergency. Their research took them into a world of magic. And they soon discovered that the only way to destroy the smog monster was to create another, even deadlier monster.   Cover art by Don Brautigam.
  • Who is more foolish - the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light? Baba Levelle is a stranger in New York. A stranger with a mission to break the Mafia stranglehold on the city's drug traffic in order to take it over himself. He has no guns, no army of hoods. no friends in high places.  But he has the Power - magical, ancient and terribly brutal. The power that thrives in darkness....Cover art by Graham Potts.
  • A fearsome foursome: Moon: He had fled to the island to escape those chilling glimpses of grotesque, brutal murders, but the monster that lurked inside his mind followed, eager to seek him out... Shrine: Alice was a little girl - small, thin and a deaf-mute. Then came the vision. Suddenly, she could hear, speak and perform miracles. But with the wondrous change, she became an agent of evil; of corruption and hate that was centuries old. The Dark: It invaded men's minds, drove them to frenzies of destruction, orgies of murder and mutilation.  It was strong enough to take over an entire city, too powerful to be destroyed. It was The Dark... Fluke: He was a puppy; different from other dogs, different from other animals. The men called him Fluke and that was apt, for Fluke was a man, with a man's feelings and intelligence trapped inside the body of a dog.  Cover art by Kevin Jones.
  • Book III of The Omen. His coming was foretold in a prophecy of ultimate evil from beyond the dawn of time. A prophecy which spelled destruction for those who ignored the warning until it was too late, and which is about to be fulfilled...From a crumbling monastery in the depths of Northern Italy, Father DeCarlo has watched the relentless progress of the Anti-Christ. Now he knows the world is on the edge of a nightmare that it will not survive. Around the globe, drought, famine and flood strike down helpless millions. There is trouble everywhere. Damien Thorn, the handsome, thirty-two year old head of one of the world's most powerful corporations... and certain to be president of the United States by the time he is forty. Damien, believed to be the son of Satan, reaching out to claim the Earth for the forces of darkness... Now is the time of prophecy, and Mankind's only hope lies with twelve men and one woman who must fight a desperate battle that will carry them across the very frontiers of darkness in the final showdown between good and evil. From the screenplay by Andrew Birkin and based on characters created by David Seltzer.
  • Born almost 2500 years ago in Babylon of a wealthy Jewish family in exile, Azriel is forced to take the role of a god for three days, paying for his people's freedom with an eternity of half-death, half-life, caught forever between heaven and earth. His restless spirit may be called forth by whoever holds the casket of golden bones and understands its mystery.  From the household of an ancient Greek philosopher to the deathbed of Alexander the Great, from the Mongolian steppes to a pogrom in  14th century Strasbourg, where the Jews were made the scapegoats for the Black Death... Azriel bears witness to it all. In the present he is summoned to witness and avenge a brutal murder on Fifth Avenue.  The dead women is Esther, step-daughter of the fanatical Gregory Belkin, messianic leader of a worldwide cult, The Temple of the Mind. The world knows that Belkin is a Holocaust survivor, but he has a secret history that binds Azriel's fate to his. Swayed by instincts almost forgotten, Azriel is caught up in a malevolent plot which could destabilise the world. Cover photo by Colin Thomas.