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  • Whitechapel, November, 1888:  Jack the Ripper is committing his last known act of butchery on Mary Kelly. Beneath the bed on which the fiend is cruelly eviscerating her cowers a fifteen  year old lad.  This is just the start of Trevor Bentley's extraordinary adventures, a boy who embarked on an errand of mercy and instead ran into the most infamous serial killer in history. Trevor becomes a man as he travels on a quest of vengeance across the wild and untamed continent of America, following the Ripper.  An interesting fictional theory as to what may have become of Jack the Ripper.

  • Frank Pollard awakens in an alley knowing nothing but his name - and that he is in great danger.  Over the next few days he develops a fear of going to sleep because he awakens with blood on his hands and bizarre and terrifying objects in his pockets.  Distraught and despairing, he begs husband and wife detective team, Bobby and Julie Dakota, to get to the bottom of the amnesiac fugues but they are drawn into ever-darkening realms where they encounter the nightmare, hate-filled figure that's stalking Frank. Their lives are threatened, as is that of Julie's gentle, Down's Syndrome brother Thomas. To Thomas, death is the bad place from which there is no return, but as each of them ultimately learns there are equally bad places in the world of the living, places so steeped in evil that death seems almost to be a relief...Cover art by Graham Potts.

  •  Carrie: Carrie's a gawky, shy fifteen year old - always the odd one out. All she wants is to be normal. After a traumatic bullying incident, she finds that she is telekinetic and when the ultimate degradation is heaped on her by school bullies, her powers give her the ideal revenge.

    The Shining: Danny is just five years old but to old Mr. Hallorann, he is a 'shiner' - a vessel of psychic voltage. When Danny's father becomes the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, Danny's visions run riot. As winter blizzards close them in, the hotel begins to develop a life of its own.  It should be empty.  But who is the lady in Room 21? And who are the masked guests going up and down in the elevator?  And why do the hedges, all shaped like animals, seem to come alive?  There is an evil force in the Overlook Hotel...and it too is beginning to shine.

    'Salem's Lot: Many years ago, Hubert Marsten - wealthy eccentric of 'Salem's Lot - blasted his wife with a shotgun then hanged himself. For decades, the local kids dared and double-dared each other to go into the abandoned house. But now the old Marsten house is coming alive again...in the most awful of ways.  Its infection begins to spread through the little town, to manifest in the most unspeakable of ways until practically no-one is human any longer.  Ben Mears, writer, and his eleven year old charge Mark, escape the horror, only to have to return and put a stop to it once and for all - if they can.

    All titles contained herein are complete and unabridged.
  • When writer Thad Beaumont hit a difficult period, he created 'George Stark' - at first, Stark was a bit of fun, a pseudonym, complete with a sinister author-biography. He wrote violent, commercial thrillers which became best sellers and soon, Stark was earning more money than Thad Beaumont.  Now, Thad is feeling better and beginning to write for himself and as himself again. He doesn't need George Stark now so he announces that Stark will write no more, and even 'buries' him with a specially-made headstone for a magazine photo-feature. A happy ending to a lucrative but strange period in the life of Thad and Liz Beaumont. Except - George Stark doesn't want to die. Impossibly, he seems to have returned as a killing machine intent on destroying everything and anything that gets between him and his creator...Cover art by Paul Davies
  • Book V of Twilight. The unforgettable tale of Edward and Bella's love is told here as seen through Edward's eyes - and takes on a new, dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. As more fascinating details about Edward's past and the complexity of his inner thoughts are revealed, it becomes clear why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he justify following his heart - if it means leading Bella into danger?  https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/breaking-dawn-stephenie-meyer/   https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/new-moon-stephenie-meyer/
  • In this collection of ghostly chillers...The Haunted Haven, A.E. Ellis: A summer tourist learns why the fishermen of Ticklas Haven do not use the southern cove, although it appears more sheltered and suitable in every way for use as a harbour...The Red Lodge, H.R. Wakefield: A family rents a summer house by a river and find that it is already inhabited by something that leaves patches of green slime on the floor...Meeting Mr. Millar, Robert Aickman: A London writer is almost forced to give up his attic apartment when a noisy firm of chartered accountants moves onto one of the lower floors. The noises at night are especially disturbing...Midnight Express, Alfred Noyes: An illustration in a battered old book is so disturbing that a young lad pins two pages together to avoid the sight of '...an empty railway platform -  at night - lit by a single dreary lamp...' But years later, he finds himself on that platform at night - but not alone...The Gorgon's Head, Gertrude Bacon: A ship's captain tells  the story of a Greek island he once visited, where he found a valley filled with tall, black stones. The Tree, Joyce Marsh: An Indian woman wishes her dying husband could gain the strength and life of an old oak outside her bedroom window. Her husband regains his health and the oak dies...but what is the cost? The Haunted and the Haunters, Lord Lytton: A man, his servant and his dog attempt to spend the night in a haunted house.  Bezhin Lea, Ivan Sergeivitch Turgenev: A grouse hunter gets lost on the steppes and is drawn to the camp fire of a group of horse drovers, who have some very strange tales to tell. The Last Séance, Agatha Christie: A man persuades his mediumistic fiancée to perform just one more séance for a woman who has lost her only child...with a disastrous end.   N.B.  This is the last collection by Robert Aickman.  
  • Meg Finn is in big trouble.  Unearthly trouble.  A botched attempt to rob a pensioner's flat ends with a fatal gas explosion and puts Meg in a  very sticky situation.  Her soul is up for grabs as Heaven and Hell try every sneaky trick imaginable to claim it. Her only chance is helping a lonely old man to complete the tasks on his wish list.  But even if she grabs this chance, will she have enough points to face up to St. Peter? Cover art by Keijiro Komine.
  • In the remote West Country the farms around a small town are suddenly haunted by ghostly presences - and not all in human form.  But when a ghost hunter is called in to deal with the hauntings, a greater terror is unleashed.  Below the dark woods, the deserted tunnels of an ancient mine have become the focus of primeval supernatural forces - summoned by Arachne and growing in strength...
  • Eveline is dead.  The doctor says so.  So how can she hear the sound of her mother's grief and as the coffin lid closes, feel terror at the endless horror that Adrien Ravel has in store for her? Ravel, cool and devilishly handsome, is the new owner of the once-beautiful Shadow Hill.  He is Haitian, an expert at traditional voodoo. So when beautiful Sylvie returns to her home town to find her cousin Eveline and disappears, her employers are worried. Drs David and Galen Wickliffe arrive to find that the trail leads to Shadow Hill and it' s growing ever more sinister.  When David meets with a horrible accident, Galen realises that only she, with her expertise in mind control, can challenge Ravel at his own ghastly game...