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  • Book V of the Dune Chronicles. Leto Atreides, the God Emperor of Dune, is dead. In the fifteen hundred years since his passing, the Empire has fallen into ruin. The great Scattering saw millions abandon the crumbling civilization and spread out beyond the reaches of known space. The planet Arrakis-now called Rakis-has reverted to its desert climate, and its great sandworms are dying. Now, the Lost Ones are returning home in pursuit of power. And as factions vie for control over the remnants of the Empire, a girl named Sheeana rises to prominence in the wastelands of Rakis, sending religious fervor throughout the galaxy. For she possesses the abilities of the Fremen sandriders-fulfilling a prophecy foretold by the late God Emperor...Cover art by Gerry Grace
  • You can't keep a good rat down, of course nor out of trouble. Jim and the lethal, lovely Angelina owe themselves a honeymoon and Paraiso-Aqui looks like the place. Settled long ago by voyagers from the southern continent of Earth (or Dirt as it was also known) Paraiso is warm and easy. But all is NOT well in paradise. The serpentine General Julio Zapilote is about to sail back into office in another rigged election and the chance to scupper him is too good for Jim to pass up. Corruption, bribery, graft and usual. Cover art by Peter Elson.
  • Medium is a heart-warming machine, designed to provide a connection with the dead.  Now all the world could reach their loved ones - at a price. Anything so emotionally loaded and carrying that kind of price tag could be a powerful political weapon. But no-one, not even the inventor, could guess at how terrible that price might become. Cover art by Peter Jones.
  • While recovering from the holocaust of war, Earth suffers chaotic breakdowns in the fabric of time and space.  Survivors are stranded in the past, present or future. Or in Mars, which is worse - and a band of heroes still battle in the alternate world of sword and sorcery....
  • Professional gambler Jason DinAlt accepts an invitation to visit Pyrrus, the most lethal world in the known galaxy. For outsiders, Pyrrus usually means a quick and painful death, but DinAlt is fleeing the crooked casino masters of Cassylia - where he just broke the bank. But DinAlt is not prepared for the hellish Pyrrus, where every living thing seems bent on exterminating mankind.  Pyrrus is a hostile, barbaric planet where technology and civilization have almost disappeared. Using his skills, DinAlt literally reinvents the wheel in his quest to escape. Cover art by Peter Elson. Originally published as The Ethical Engineer.
  • It was forbidden to enter the tower. The law had been handed down from a time beyond man's memory, and none who broke it had ever survived. From the tower flowed the energy and intelligence that kept alive the city of Noi Lantis, the sole vestige of civilization left on Earth. The Earthling, Kymri, and the beautiful invader-girl, Mirlana, already had violated a great and terrible taboo by daring to fall in love. Now they were about to commit the most fearful transgression of all. But there was no turning back as they slid open the glittering tower doors. Within was the secret that could spell man's last hope for survival - or his final sentence of doom....Cover art by Chris Foss.
  • Book I of A Requiem for Homo Sapiens. Into the maze of colour-coded streets of ice a wild boy stumbles, frost-bitten and grieving, clutching a spear: Danlo the Wild, a messenger from the past of Man. Brought up far from Neverness by the Alaloi people, neanderthal cave-dwellers, Danlo alone of his tribe has survived a plague - because he is not, as he thought, a misshapen neanderthal - but because he is human, with immunity engineered into his genes. He learns the disease was created and the creators possess a cure which can save other Alaloi tribes. But the creators have migrated to the region of space known as the Vild and there they are killing stars. All of civilisation has converged on Neverness through the manifold of space travel. Beyond science, beyond decadence,  sects and disciplines multiply there. Danlo, his mind shaped by primitive man, brings to Neverness a single long-lost memory that will challenge them all. Cover art by Mick Van Houten.
  • Originally published as Planet Plane  in 1936. An international prize of £1,000,000 was being offered to the first man to complete an interplanetary journey.  Dale Curtance, millionaire adventurer, characteristically emerges as the British entrant.  With a  hand-picked crew he blasted off from Salisbury Plain in the spaceship Gloria Mundi. Destination: Mars. Once free of Earth's atmosphere, they discover  a woman stowaway. Her extraordinary story helps them to prepare for the dangers they encounter on the Red Planet and the fantastic world that exists there. Cover art by Chris Foss.

  • An invasion of Earth was imminent  - and only one man could stop it. A team of saboteurs had infiltrated the enemy territories, attempting to bring back to Earth a warning of the impending attack. Death had reduced their number to two and fear of treachery had divided them. Finally, only one man could save Earth.  The secret of the hordes of death must be brought back. But he could trust no-one - not even himself. Cover art by Bruce Pennington.
  • In the mountain retreat of a gifted Internet billionaire, a young man takes part in a strange experiment: testing an artificial intelligence housed in the body of a beautiful robot girl. But the experiment spirals into a dark psychological battle - a lover triangle of loyalties, man and machine.
  • The Doctor is delighted when his quest for the Key to Time leads him to his favourite planet Earth. But his friends are less enchanted: Romana is nearly lured to her death by a sinister apparition and K9 is all but destroyed by a belligerent boulder with the power to move and a thirst for blood. An ancient stone circle becomes a battleground as the Doctor must outwit  the deadliest alien criminal this side of hyperspace - and her bloodthirsty silicon servants...Cover art variant of original by Andrew Skilleter.
  • It's New Year in paranoid, computer-rich New York, and a group of Owners has jet-rotored out to party in O-Zone. New York is a sealed city. Visits to the eerie, radioactive wasteland of O-Zone are now rarer than moon landings. The people dumped there, 'aliens', officially do not exist. For Hooper Allbright and Fizzy, Theroux's futuristic Robinson Crusoes, the trip sets in motion an adventure of undreamed-of desire and terror.
  • Star Wars: Book III of Callista: Nam Chorios is a barren backwater world - once a dreaded prison colony, now home to a fanatic religious cult. It is here that Princess Leia has been taken captive by a ruthless and charismatic warlord bent on destroying the New Republic. Meanwhile, Luke lands on a mysterious planet in search of his lost love, Callista, only to discover the Force is his own worst enemy. But worst of all, as Han, Chewie, and Lando leave Coruscant on a desperate rescue mission, a strange life-form, unlike any the galaxy has ever seen, awakens...a life-form so malevolent it will destroy everything - both Empire and New Republic - on its path to domination.  Cover art by Drew Struzan.  
  • An interactive exploration of the beauty, power and mystery of Mars. Features the music from Gustav Holst's The Planets.
  • The stranded Colonists are struggling to survive under the heavy-handed Cylon rule on New Caprica. Tigh, Tyrol and Anders lead the Resistance with increasing and shocking violence towards the Cylons. Admiral Adama experiences personal struggles while leading Galactica to save the survivors and resume its quest to find Earth.  See here for Seasons 1 and 2:
  • In this volume: Painlessness, Kirstyn McDermott;  for want of a jesusman, Jason Fischer; Hush, Deborah Biancotti; This Is Not My Story, Dirk Flinthart; Truth Window, Terry Dowling;  Nightship, Kim Westwood;  Fearless Flying Apartment People, Geoffrey Maloney; Wives, Paul Haines; The Census-Taker's Tale, Kaaron Warren; Getting Rid Of Mother, Robert Hood; The Last Deflowerer, Karen Maric; Bitter Dreams, Ian McHugh; The Goosle, Margo Lanagan; The Empire, Simon Brown; Ascension, Martin Livings. Cover art by Tomislav Tikulin.
  • Doctor Who: New Series Adventures III: Rose and the Doctor return to present-day Earth, and become intrigued by the latest craze - the video game, Death to Mantodeans. Is it as harmless as it seems? And why are so many local people going on holiday and never returning? Meanwhile, on another world, an alien war is raging. The Quevvils need to find a new means of attacking the ruthless Mantodeans. Searching the galaxy for cunning, warlike but gullible allies, they find the ideal soldiers on Earth. Will Rose be able to save her family and friends from the alien threat? And can the Doctor play the game to the end and win? Cover by Henry Steadman

  • Doctor Who new Series Adventure II: The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Rose to a destination in deep space - Justicia, a prison camp stretched over seven planets, where Earth colonies deal with their criminals. While Rose finds herself locked up in a teenage borstal, the Doctor is trapped in a scientific labour camp. Each is determined to find the other, and soon both Rose and the Doctor are risking life and limb to escape in their distinctive styles. But their dangerous plans are complicated by some old enemies. Are these creatures fellow prisoners as they claim, or staging a takeover for their own sinister purposes? Cover by Henry Steadman
  • A team of pioneers undertake the most important mission in human history - Ex-pilot-turned-farmer Cooper must leave his family and a foundering Earth to lead an expedition , travelling beyond this galaxy to discover if Mankind has a future among the stars.
  • Book I of The Aleutian Trilogy. After the massacre, Bibi, the sole survivor, is offered two choices: become the General's concubine or become the servant of the General's wife, Lady Nef. She chooses to be a servant.  Years later, a diplomatic mission to a supposedly friendly planet ends in disaster. Bibi, now a junior officer in Lady Nef's household, is incarcerated with her mistress in the notorious high-security prison on Fenmu. Lady Nef, 150 years old when arrested, dies in prison; she bequeaths to Bibi her rank, her level of access to the AI systems that permeate the Diaspora of inhabited planets, and a highly secret set of 4-space co-ordinates. Bibi uses Lady Nef's death to escape from Fenmu, finds Spirit, an instantaneous-transit space pod, and follows Lady Nef's co-ordinates to a treasure beyond price: a virgin, perfect, uninhabited planet. Soon after this, the mysterious, fantastically wealthy Princess of Bois Dormant makes her debut in the high society of Speranza, the Diaspora's capital city. Thus disguised, Bibi sets out to discover why she and her mistress were condemned to a living hell; and to punish the guilty. Twenty years have passed: Lady Nef's enemies now rule Speranza. As she uncovers a forgotten, ruthless and far-reaching conspiracy, Bibi's vengeance is transformed into a project of world-changing reparation. Cover art by Jon Sullivan.
  • All over the world, quite independently, thousands of people are claiming they have been abducted by aliens. Often these people are ridiculed by the media, regarded as unblanaced by scientists and ignored by the governments that are supposed to protect them - in spite of this, they persist with their claims. Former UK Government UFO investigator Nick Pope has written the definitive book on the alien abduction mystery, delving into folklore, the contactee movement, and more modern claims that people have not just seen UFOs, but encountered extraterrestrials. He also examines the reaction of governments, and of the scientific community, as well as examining the world's most famous alien contact cases and highlighting the common threads that bind them together. Pope devotes a significant portion of the book to detailing a number of cases that he investigated personally, before drawing things together by discussing the various theories that might explain what lies behind this fascinating mystery.
  • Book II of The Disappearance. March 14, 2003, was the day the world changed forever. A wave of energy slammed into North America and devastated the continent. The U.S. military, poised to invade Baghdad, was left without a commander in chief. Global order spiraled into chaos. Now, three years later, a skeleton U.S. government headquartered in Seattle directs the reconstruction of an entire nation - and the battle for New York City has begun. Pirates and foreign militias are swarming the East Coast, taking everything they can. The president comes to the Declared Security Zone of New York and barely survives the visit. The enemy - whoever they are - controls Manhattan’s concrete canyons and the abandoned flatlands of Long Island. The U.S. military, struggling with sketchy communications and a lack of supplies, is mired in a nightmare of urban combat. Caught up in the violence is a Polish-born sergeant who watches the carnage through the eyes of an intellectual and with the heart of a warrior. Two smugglers, the highborn Lady Julianne Balwyn and her brawny partner Rhino, search for a treasure whose key lies inside an Upper East Side Manhattan apartment. Thousands of miles away, a rogue general leads the secession of Texas and a brutal campaign against immigrants, while Miguel Pieraro, a Mexican-born rancher, fights back. And in England, a U.S. special ops agent is called into a violent shadow war against an enemy that has come after her and her family. The president is a stranger to the military mindset, but now this mild-mannered city engineer from the Pacific Northwest needs to make a soldier’s choice. With New York clutched in the grip of thousands of heavily armed predators, is an all-out attack on the city the only way to save it?
  • After a mining crew on a far-off planet makes a disastrous first contact with an alien civilisation, General Eron Ryle and the leaders of Earth's Alliance of Government debate if there can be peace between 'us' and 'them'. Notorious war hero General James Ford is called upon to lead a squad of elite soldiers to the alien infested Alliance Colony Ellora and find the co-ordinates of the invaders' home world in the hopes of launching a pre-emptive strike to end a war before it can begin. Together with ethnologist Dr. Lea Goss, bull-headed Specialist Braxton Ryle, demolition expert Dash Wick and quantum engineer Lt. Fiona Ardene, Ford's mission goes awry and the squad is forced to reckon with the idea that that Earth could be colonised by the invading army. Also stars Perrey Reeves, Brandom Thomas Lee and Adelaide Kane.
  • The future is dominated by television.  Nothing is too gross or too sensational for the viewers.  Katherine Mortenhoe is dying of an incurable disease, and NTV sign her up for the most spectacular show ever - her dying moments. She tries to escape but the sleepless eye of the camera follows her everywhere - implanted in the retina of a TV employee.  Originally published as The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe.
  • Weather conditions on Earth are getting strange and deadly. 'Flash' Gordon, football star, and travel agent Dale Arden are the passengers on a small plane flight but when a meteorite hits the plane and the two pilots vanish, Flash must take over and they crash land in the greenhouse of Dr Zarkov, who has built a space capsule  to discover the origin of the forces that are destroying the Earth. When his assistant refuses to go, he lures Flash and Dale aboard. All three fall asleep and are drawn through the vortex to the planet of Mongo, where its ruler, Ming the Merciless, has been playing with the Earth, heedless of its impending destruction. All resistance is futile - Zarkov is turned into a lowly Ming- drone; Flash has been executed; Dale is about to be forced into marriage to become the Empress of the Hour; the other races of Ming's universe seem to be too downtrodden to mount a rebellion - so who will save the Earth with only fourteen hours to go? With colour photos from the 1980 film.
  • It was seen first in North Carolina -  or something was.... smoking up from a mountain crater. With blinding speed, it roared past cars on a Pennsylvania road. It skimmed the Atlantic, then - the flick of its captain's will - dove beneath the waves... It was the Terror - ship, submarine, plane and land vehicle in one, and a letter from its inventor claimed that with it he would rule the world. Could he? Who was he and how did he plan to bring nations to their knees? John Strock had to find out - before it was too late.
  • Book I of The Long Earth. 1916: the Western Front. Private Percy Blakeney wakes up. He is lying on fresh spring grass. He can hear birdsong and the wind in the leaves in the trees. Where have the mud, blood and blasted landscape of No Man's Land gone?  2015: Madison, Wisconsin. Cop Monica Jansson is exploring the burned-out home of a reclusive - some said mad, others dangerous - scientist when she finds a curious gadget - a box containing some wiring, a three-way switch and a... potato. It is the prototype of an invention that will change the way Mankind views his world forever. And that is an understatement if ever there was one...Cover art by Richard Shailer.