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  • In this volume: The Streets Of Ashkelon: An alien race believes everything it is told - and when it hears the Christian message the consequences are truly horrific.  Portrait Of The Artist; Rescue Operation; Captain Bedlam; Final Encounter;Unto My Manifold Dooms; The Pliable Animal; Captain Honario Harpplayer, R.N.;  According To His Abilities; I always Do What Teddy Says: A frightening glimpse at the possibility of mass mind control from childhood. But why is one person spared? Cover art by Jim Burns.
  • The author is not only convinced that extra terrestrials are visiting Earth, but that the continued UFO presence over the last 100 years has produced a change in human awareness. In this, the sequel to UFO Quest, he explains how we have been receiving communications from deep space for over twenty years and how, through specific channels and key individuals, messages from a powerful group called the Council of Nine have been received. The messages allegedly contain a wealth of information on the past, present and possible future of the Earth.

  • Contemporary theories on the origin of the phenomenon, with chapters on man-made UFOs; UFO psychology and abductions; UFO cover-ups and crop circles; unidentified submarine objects; psychic UFOs; demonic UFOs; extra-terrestrial intelligence and humanoids. Contributors: W.A. Harbinson; Alvin Lawson; William H. Spaulding; Peter Brookesmith; Janet and Colin Bord; Jenny Randles; Hilary Evans; Ron Hyams; Charles Bowen. With colour and black and white photographs and artwork.
  • Three by Connie Willis: Uncharted Territory: Explorers Findriddy and Carson are sent to Boohte to survey the ridges and scrub-covered hills of the planet. Back home, their adventures are followed by countless breathless fans, but the reality is far less romantic as they deal with dust, nitpicking regulations, and uncooperative aliens. Teamed with a young intern whose specialty is mating customs and a native guide of indeterminate gender, the group sets out for a previously unexplored sector of the planet. As they survey canyons and cataracts, battle dangers, and discover alien treasures, they will soon find themselves in alien territory of another kind: exploring the paths and precipices of sex. And love. Fire Watch: A time-traveling graduate student from a future Oxford University is sent to the London Blitz due to a clerical error. He was supposed to travel with St Paul for his practical exam, but instead ends up assigned to the Fire Watch for St Paul’s Cathedral - and he hasn't the least idea what's going on. Even The Queen: Virtually every new technology spawns those who insist that whatever-it-is is a bad thing. But in this case, an entire cult is involved. Cover art by Mick Van Houten.
  • The volume contains: Time Enough, Lewis Padgett; The Soul-Empty Ones, Walter Miller Jr; Defender of the Faith, Alfred Coppel; All of You, James V. McConnell; The Holes and Beast in the House, Michael Shaara; Little Boy, Jerome Bixby; Unwillingly to School, Pauline Ashwell; Brother Robot and The Stuff, Henry Slesar; The Risk Profession, Donald E. Westlake; Arcturus Times Three, Jack Sharkey; They Are Not Robbed, Richard McKenna; The Creatures of Man, Verge Foray; Only Yesterday, Ted White; An Agent In Place, Laurence M. Janifer.
  • This volume contains:  The Lucky Strike, Kim Stanley Robinson: A crazed bombadier refuses to set his sights and the Enola Gay fails to bomb Hiroshima... Gate Of Horn, Gate Of Ivory, Robert Silverberg; A dreamer dreams of a perfect future - but can he live with the ugly shadow it has cast on his existence? Passing As A Flower In The City Of The Dead, Sharon N. Farber: When an O’Neill space colony is used for patients with immune-compromised diseases and conditions,  society resents those who voluntarily undergo the rigorous preparation to live in the colony just to be with an ailing loved one.  O, Damon Knight: One day, everyone in the world whose name begins with 'O' vanishes... Art In The War Zone, Pat Murphy: War has evolved into an inner-city game; one side armed with bullets, the other with art. The Menagerie of Babel, Carter Schulz: AN unusual story about the effects of science on people.  Interlocking Pieces, Molly Gloss: Teo wakes up in hospital - and knows exactly who she is, where she is and why she is there. Deadtime, Joel Richards: A future when the police have time-travel technology, and so can prevent major crimes - a dystopian nightmare or mere practicality? Me/Days, Gregory Benford: A computer robot begins to gains self-awareness.  Black Coral, Lucius Shepard: A tale of drugs, prejudice, petty crimes and revenge - Caribbean style... Cover art by Peter Goodfellow.
  • Uncanny deaths...Unearthly incidents...futures foretold...mystifying murders...they're all here, explored by John Pinkney, lifelong student of the bizarre and inexplicable, founder of the Victorian UFO Research Society and writer for The Age and The Australian. In this volume: The Corpse, The Duke and The Nazi Spy - Murder in the Bahamas; 'Don't Disturb The Dead' - Enigma Of The Iceman's Curse; The Man Who Vanished From The Sky - Strange Disappearances And Deaths; The Book That Foretold Diana's Doom - Premonitions In Book And Film; Did A White Lie Avert World War III? Nightmare In The Garden - Reports From Reality's Edge; The Secret Agent And The Uncanny Cloud - Wartime Mysteries; Seashells In The Trees - Skyfalls and Other Riddles;  Insane Egotist - The Multi-Murderer Who Adored Publicity; The Dead Sailor Who Invaded A Photo - Ghost Mysteries; Did Amelia Die Or Did The Government Lie? Pilot Puzzle; Triangular Evidence - The Geometric Markings on UFO Victims' Skins; The Woman Who Slept for 32 Years; Hell From Within - The Flames That Killed Jaqueline; Did James Leininger Live Before? Riddle Of The Reborns; Jewels From Jupiter - Forest Search For A Space Treasure; The Strange Case Of The Separated Sisters - Astonishing Coincidences; The Dream That Proved A 'Dead' Man Was Alive - Sleep And The Seventh Sense. 
  • In the day of modern technology, it;s difficult to fathom that there are still mysteries for which we have no explanation. We've walked on the moon, developed the Internet, unlocked the building blocks of life and yet there are some events and circumstances that continue to baffle us. Some of the most puzzling are those that are still unsolved, such as Jack the Ripper and the Bermuda Triangle; and then there's  mysterious creatures such Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster - and the countless reports of extra terrestrial interaction. Lavishly illustrated with photographs, this book provides a glimpse of mysteries that encourages the reader to seek further information.
  • Book III of Worldwar. From Warsaw to Moscow to China's enemy occupied Forbidden City, the nations of the world had been forced into an uneasy alliance against overwhelming odds.  In Britain and Germany, caches of once-forbidden weapons were unearthed and unthinkable tactics employed against the enemy. Even as lack of fuel forced people back to horses and carriage, physicists worked frantically to recreate humanity's first nuclear bombs - with horrific results. City after city joined the atomic pyre as the planet erupted in fiery ruins.  The tactics of daring guerillas become increasingly ingenious against a superior foe whose retaliation would grow ever more fearsome. No-one had ever put the United States or the world in such deadly danger.  If the carnage and annihilation ever stopped, would there be any pieces to pick up? Cover art by Stan Watts

  • Rebel Elizabeth Mudlark is hot property: the body she awakes in isn't her own; her mind is unique; the agency that owns her is deadly. If she stays in the Medial Centre, she has No Future. So she does what anyone sane would do - she escapes. And in the sprawling mad civilisations of the future - a future of plug-in personalities and colonised asteroids, where all human evils blossom in the vacuum of space - she's in for a very interesting time indeed.  If she survives... Cover art by Mark Salwowski.
  • Book III of Lord Valentine. Treachery and wizardry run rampant under the reign of the mighty Pontifex, as both the rightful and the unworthy heirs to the throne anxiously await his demise. Korsibar, son of the current Coronal, plots with his twin sister and ambitious companions to seize the power of the Coronal when his father ascends to the throne of the Pontifex. But the burdens of the crown and scepter exact more of a price than Korsibar is prepared to pay. His rival fights to take his appointed place as keeper of his beloved Majipoor...and to restore order to the utter chaos that has befallen their world. Cover art by Jim Burns.
  • Book IV of Confederation. Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr is a Confederation Marines marine. She's survived more deadly encounters and kept more of her officers and enlistees alive than anyone in the Corps. Unexpectedly pulled from battle, Torin finds herself in an underground POW camp that shouldn't exist, where her fellow marine prisoners seem to have lost all will to escape. Now, Torin must fight her way not only out of the prison but also past the growing compulsion to sit down and give up - not realizing that her escape could mean the end of the war. Cover art by Paul Youll.
  • Time Police Volume I. 2183: The Second Republic is mercilessly efficient. It controls the press, the state, the rights of the citizens. Then it captures the secrets of time travel. Now the Second Republic can control the past, piece by piece, slowly changing it to make sure that they would never lose their grasp on history. The Time Police are the agents of oppression of the Second Republic,  dedicated to protecting its version of the past. Jackson Dubchek is a researcher, an ordinary citizen too insignificant to warrant the attention of the Time Police until he stumbled onto the truth behind their work. He is determined to undo what they have done. Now the Time Police are after him. He has to go on the run - and there's nowhere to go except the past. Cover art by Paul Youll and Steve Youll.

  • Book I of the Cluster series.  At the farthest reaches of the Milky Way, on the planet of Outworld where  primitive men and nubile women still battle giant dinosaurs, the barbaric genius of Flint is summoned by the Earthborn to fulfil a mission: to save the galaxy's energy source from the marauders of the Andromeda Galaxy by transferring his overpowering Kirlian essence to alien spheres and uniting the galaxy against the invaders. Cover art by Fred Gambino.
  • Book V of The Seafort Saga. A guilt-ridden politician, an earnest young boy, a sick old man eking out a living in the broken streets -- can they alone stop humanity from destroying itself in urban Armageddon? In a divided world, wealthy citizens look down from skytop eyries to crumbling streets where the urban poor grow ever more desperate. As war brews, brilliant young Philip Seafort -- only son of the tormented hero Nicholas Seafort -- plunges into the bowels of the city to find his lost friend. Humanity is about to destroy itself. Children are in the line of fire. And a father with an iron will is at Ground Zero... Cover art by Stephen Youll.
  • The U.S. Government, bankrupt and desperate, has auctioned off its agencies to private enterprise. NASA is now a Disney subsidiary; The Nixon Orbital Space Station is a family theme park. Space still hides some secrets and one of them is about to be launched on an unsuspecting public: the Mars ship,  Mary Poppins, built before the market crash and secreted in high orbit. Movie mogul Markson uses fast talk, creative accounting and out-and-out blackmail to persuade two of the Mars team to pilot the spacecraft on her maiden voyage to Mars. With two bona fide certified Hollywood Stars and a brilliant - if eccentric - midget cinematographer, Markson plans to shoot The Movie Of All Time...Cover art by Gerry Grace.

  • Out of space they came. Two men from earth plunging through the cloud belt of Venus. One was a man possessed, an emissary of all that is evil - the other a man burdened with a terrible yet inspiring mission. On the surface of the mysterious planet Dr. Ransom and his enemy were to meet in a titanic struggle to decide the destiny of a young and joyous world.
  • Star Trek Adventures No. 11. Due to violent ion storms, the Neutral Zone is shifting and the planet Arachnae will move from Federation territory to Romulan space.  The Enterprise is ordered to seek out intelligent life there and, if it exists, offer full Federation protection. Dr.  Katalya Tremain, the Federation's foremost expert on the exobiology of this region is assigned to the Enterprise and Kirk finds that she has a fanatical hatred of any and all things Vulcan...  including Spock. Why was a woman guaranteed to be a problem sent for such a delicate situation? Is the mission being sabotaged?  Cover art by Alister Pearson.
  • A double helping of Heinlein. Waldo: North Power-Air was in trouble. Their aircraft had begun to crash at an alarming rate and no one could figure out what was going wrong. Desperate for an answer, they turned to Waldo, the crippled genius who lived in a zero-g home in orbit around Earth. But Waldo had little reason to want to help the rest of humanity - until he learned that the solution to their problems also held the key to his own... Magic, Inc: Under the guise of an agency for magicians, Magic, Inc. was systematically squeezing out the small independent magicians. Then one businessman stood firm. With the help of an Oxford-educated African shaman and a little old lady adept at black magic, he went straight to the demons of Hell to resolve the problem - once and for all! Cover art by Patrick Woodroffe.
  • One day the tough, dangerous, dirty jobs will be done by robots...invulnerable soldiers with superhuman strength and killer instinct; miners and sandhogs who can work on distant planets too deadly for humans; incorruptible judges, fearing neither political pressure or criminal vengeance; librarians with total knowledge instantly available...a chilling, yet piercingly prophetic picture of the Robot Age -when Man's 'slave' machines have learned their own strength - and the weaknesses of their masters. Cover art by Chris Moore.

  • WARDAY: the deployment of an American anti-missile system causes a desperate Russian response: Soviet nuclear weapons explode over North America and within minutes the American counter-strike is launched. No second strike occurs; no-one is left with authority in either power to authorise it. Thirty-six minutes after it began, the first nuclear war in history is over. Six million Americans are dead. It was merely a flicker of hell - what remains are the consequences...Five years after Warday: 70 million have died of radiation, starvation  and war-related diuseases; the cities of New York, Washington D.C. and San Antonio are dead. Their own country spared, British relief officials fight a desperate battle to restore American medical facilities. Two survivors set off on a voyage of discovery across America to find out what has happened. Who has survived? How do the survivors feel? What really took place on Warday, and why? Cover art by George Smith.
  • Warhammer 40,000. Book I of Deathwatch. The world of Herodian IV is doomed when the nightmarish tyranid hive fleets descend from the depths of space intent on devouring every living thing there. In the vital hours before the planet is lost, Inquisitor Kalypsia and a team of Deathwatch Space Marines are sent on a mission to investigate  a mysterious research outpost. The terrible secret they uncover could affect the fate of all humanity but can they escape to safety before they are torn apart by the ravenous alien hordes? Cover art by Phil Sibbering.
  • Battletech; Book I of The Warrior trilogy. Stripped of his rank, exiled Justin Allard is given one last chance to save his honour - by risking his life in the gladiatorial arenas of Solaris VII. But his newest Game World opponent - more skilled at Mech-to-Mech combat than any other rival - raises the stakes even higher. It's Justin's own half brother Daniel, lance commander in the dread Kell Hounds mercenary battalion. But Daniel has more serious worries than dealing with his embittered half brother. Princess Melissa Steiner, heir apparent of the Lyran Commonwealth, has been hijacked and the future of the Inner Sphere depends on her fate. Both Daniel and Justin face fierce battles, but in the Inner Sphere, where nobles have schemed for centuries to win the ultimate power, those who interfere with the Successor Lords are sometimes called heroes - and sometimes called victims. Interior artwork by Duane Loose.

  • In five short centuries, the mighty Empire of the Mèxica, descendants of the ancient Aztecs, spread out to conquer the Earth. Now they have left their homeworld and set their sights on the stars. But the Universe it finds is a dangerous place filled with hidden powers. Humanity is only a minor space-faring species on the fringe of ferociously political arena where ancient and enormous alien empires are engaged in millennia-old battles for supremacy. Now, on a desolate barren world far from the heart of civilisation, Gretchen Anderson, a young human xeno-archaeologist, is about to discover an awesome long-buried secret that could alter the galactic balance of power forever. Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • Freedom was an isolated planet, off the spaceways track and rarely visited by commercial spacers.  The trouble was, tourists and traders claimed the streets were crowded with mysterious sorts in blue robes and members of an alien species.  The native born humans claim it isn't so.  Such was the belief of Herrin the artist and Waden the autocrat - until a crisis of planetary identity forced a life and depth confrontation between the question of reality and the reality of the question. Cover art by Don Maitz.
  • Enoch Wallace fought in the Civil War and returned to the simple house where he was born in rural Wisconsin. He still resides there today, and he hasn't aged a day since the war ended in 1865 - nor has his home, impregnable to any known weapon. For years he has secretly manned a way station for a galactic federation's transit network, acting as Earth's unassuming diplomat to the stars. The world around him has gone about its business, slowly building towards another World War and a modern America on the brink of war keeps tabs on odd folks within its borders. When a Washington agency takes an interest in Enoch, it threatens to destroy everything he has built: the trust of the aliens, his studies of advanced sciences, his hopes that one day Earth will join the federation - and the very existence of the way station. Meanwhile, the galactic federation is in turmoil. Now, both his home and the galaxy need a miracle to survive - a miracle that falls to Enoch Wallace to provide. Cover art: Almost Home, Randy J. Lagana.
  • After eleven years in space, the Argo landed... West of the Sun ...on the dangerous, unknown planet Lucifer. The crew faced an untamed world of huge, carnivorous birds with wolverine heads and flashing black teeth; furred, ten-foot-tall men; & red-skinned, man-eating pygmies. They fought for mere survival, but - heir duty was to colonise and populate the planet - with four men and only two women.  And what effect will Man have on their unconsenting hosts? Cover art by Colin Hay.