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  • Twenty subtugs had been lost attempting to bring back oil from the undersea fields on the enemy's borders. A brilliant psychologist-electronics expert is planted in the crew of the subtug Ram to discover the reason - and the reason becomes terrifyingly real when, miles deep in the ocean, the minds of the crew begin to crack. Cover art by Fred Gambino. Originally published as Under Pressure.
  • Book III of Wild Card Run. The electronic phantom incorporeals have infiltrated the computer matrix on the ocean world Cyvrus.  Central Interlock must send a human agent to decipher the aliens' signal - an investigation that erupts in a deadly, desperate race.  The agent assigned has cyborgs and mechmen on her tail; allies have betrayed her and her last chance is her allies' clones. Cover art by Joe DeVito.
  • Vol. 3, No. 2. This volume contains: Summertide, Charles Sheffield; Time Safari, David Drake; Sacrifice, David Langford; Slices, Gregory Benford; Where Thy Treasure Is, Fred Saberhagen; Speculative Facts: Looking About in Space, Drs Charles Sheffield and Yoji Kondo; Nuclear Survival IV, Dean Ing; Waste Not, Want Not, Karl Pflock; On Predicting the Future, Frederic Pohl; Ramblings, Poul Anderson; Last Words, James Baen. Illustrations by Broeck Steadman, Janet Aulisio and Steven Fabian.
  • Book II of  Dumarest. Still driven by his search to find Man's fabled birthplace, Dumarest accepts a commission to guard the Lady Derai, heiress to the House of Caldor on the feudal world of Hive.  Dumarest hoped to meet a living witness of Earth there.  But instead, he's on the lists of the deadly Contest on Folgone - with the Lady of Caldor as prize.  On Folgone, Dumarest confronts the Cybers, ruthless emotionless tools of a great Gestalt which holds the might of the Universe within its grip - a power which may provide him with the key to his quest for Earth. Cover art credited to Chris Achilleos.
  • It is the year 3000. The world has been devastated by neutron war and the survivors practice peaceful co-existence in a federation of domed cities, where war is outlawed for all time.  But Helix City has remained outside the Federation and its political system is a totalitarian nightmare. Lord Zirpola, the sadistic hereditary ruler of Helix, holds despotic sway, punishing all opponents by sentencing them to the Deathsport - a bloody gladiatorial combat where the odds are loaded and to lose is to suffer an ingeniously cruel death. The newest contestant in the area is Ranger Guide Kaz Oshay, the only man with the spirit to question and defy the repressive regime. He and his beautiful co-guide Deneer challenge the system, but can  anything human succeed against the sophisticated technology of slaughter? Novelisation of the 1978 film starring David Carradine. Cover is taken from the theatrical release poster.
  • Four million years ago the crew of the starship Challenger abandoned the search for their home Earth and settled on the third planet of a solar system on the fringe of a galaxy, leaving Angel One and Angel Two, the ship's computers, to continue the search in the starship.  The four settlers called their new home Paradise.  With seven-tenths of its surface covered in water, deep blue skies and an abundance of lakes, rivers and lush forests, the planet is nothing like the Earth that they used to study in the ship's library,  But after four years, they are learning to accept its differences...Cover art by John Geary.
  • Book VI of Mission Earth. Hitman Torpedo Fiaccola has finally struck. A killer so loathsome that he has been blacklisted by the Mafia, Torpedo has been hired By Soltan Gris  to target the beautiful and deadly Countess Krak, whose lover Jettero's mission to Earth threatens a plot to overthrow the 110-planet Empire. Meanwhile, a bigamous marriage, a bubblegum-chewing teenager and a pig farm may sabotage every scheme. Cover art by Gerry Grace.

  • Jim Todhunter is one of the elite - a Death guide, helping the citizens of a peaceful future world meet the ends of the lives in harmony. When the stability of the House is shattered by deliberate murder - an unthinkable crime - Todhunter receives his fateful assignment: to shepherd the killer to his death. But in humoring the murderer's macabre fantasies, Todhunter becomes entangled in a fantastic plan to trap Death itself. And what lies beyond Death is stranger than anyone imagined...
  • Solitaire:  a unique ring of heavy-metal moons. For decades after its discovery an unexplained 'effect sphere' kept all hyperships away from a metal-hungry galaxy's most tantalising prize. Until a research ship penetrated the Cloud entirely by accident - when the man at the helm died of a heart attack just before entering the sphere. For the first time a ship's hyperdrive did not fail as it approached Solitaire. For the researchers, the difficulty came when it was time to leave...Now every ship heading for the Ring Mines carries two death-row felons - one for entry, the other for exit. It's as a bizarre a method as the effect it counters, but it works...until the  hero of Deadman Switch discovers that oneof his condemned criminals isn't guilty...Cover art by David Mattingly.
  • Book II of The Dawning Shadow. The godlike rulers of the High Inquest had forsaken all that made them human.  But one young Inquestor rediscovered the powers of compassion and hastened the end of their ancient, starflung empire. Cover art  by Gary Cicarelli.
  • Book IV of Tomorrow, When the War Began. When you're thrown into the wilderness of war, you don't get too many choices. You can give up - or you can fight. Ellie and her friends choose to fight.  They spend a lot of time being terrified and they make mistakes. Sometime it's a victory just to stay alive. Cover photograph by David Stoecklein.
  • Book I of The Dancing Shadow. For countless millennia the godlike Inquestors ruled a million worlds with unimaginable power, waging unending war on false Utopias. Ton Davaryush has destroyed a dozen worlds in the service of that dark crusade.  But on the thirteenth world, he glimpsed a dazzling truth that would sow the seeds of the Inquest's destruction. Cover art by Gary Ciccarelli.
  • Sea Venture - CV for short - is the largest ocean-going vessel ever built by Man - a huge sea habitat housing a scientific research station, an entire city. For some, CV is the vacation dream of a lifetime; for others, it is man's conquest of the oceans; and for two men it becomes an arena for a deadly game of cat and mouse.  But for one, CV is the place to stalk its next victim.  It's not human - it's not even of Earthly origin - and to be touched by it is deadly...Cover art by Tony Roberts.
  • It's 1942, the Titanic is still cruising and the world is at peace.  Suddenly, there's a distress call from Counter-Earth, our twin planet on the other side of the sun.  A ship is launched with Albert Einstein and the first woman pro baseball player - Babe  Didriksen - on the crew. But at the same time, Juan Peron and his lovely Evita launch a faster ship from Argentina, armed for war in space. Who will reach Counter-Earth first? A brains-and-baseball alliance of American heroes?  Or an Argentinian temptress and her fascist husband? Reviewed as  'audaciously inventive...a wild romp through a very strange universe.' Cover art by George Barr.
  • A selection of fabulous Watson shorts. This volume includes: The Coming of Vertumnus - a whimsical commentary on sex, art, and eco-terrorism that twists darkly into frightening speculation on brainwashing via designer drugs;  Swimming With The Salmon - a protracted seduction leading to eyebrow-raising thoughts on fish farming and interspecies hybrids; Nanoware Time - Life after death, psi powers, aliens and governmental paranoia meld into a fantastical jaunt through hyper-reality; Virtually Lucid Lucy - a surrealist nightmare of lucid dreaming, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and aliens to the rescue; The Odour of Cocktail Cigarettes - a what-is-reality puzzle set by a composite alien, with advanced technology as the prize; The Tale of Peg And The Brain - an English village where nothing is quite what it seems;  Happy Hour - in which an ancient power, now dwelling in an air extractor fan in a country pub, becomes hungry; Looking Down on You - an invisible being is in search of...something; and Life In The Groove - where the universe is imagined as a jukebox... Talk of the Town - Daventry speaks to the youthful narrator.
  • Cocoon....Who can forget the boatload of senior citizens who dared to find a new life in the stars,  whisked away by the kindly aliens five years earlier?  Now they are returning to Earth for a visit.  They are looking forward to catching up with friends and family, and to assist in the retrieval of the Antarean cocoons that sill remain on the ocean floor. But when they return to Earth, time starts running again...
  • Twelve thousand feet above the desert planet Calferon floats an aerial world of rugged landscapes created by a unique symbiosis of rock and plant -  world whose people have known strife, but not war...until now. A ruling duke disappears.  A medallion believed to possess strange powers falls into evil hands. Paul Benjarth, heir to the throne of Fief Karcan, embarks on a terrifying journey of enlightenment that brings him to the doorstep of Creation - or doom. With revelation comes choices, and Paul must make all the right ones now or his people will face centuries of enslavement. Cover art by Brom.
  • Is the movie Close Encounters fact - or science fiction? Is there really life in outer space? Are aliens trying to bring us messages from other galaxies? What about those abduction stories? What do the experts say about psychics and UFOs?  It's all here...and by Clifford Wilson, author of Crash Go The Chariots and John Weldon, author of UFOs: What On Earth Is Happening?