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  • It is 1867: an unknown monster roams the sea and a U.S. Navy ship commanded by Captain Farragut is sent to investigate the strange and hazardous world of the ocean's depths. Here is Verne's classic tale of Captain Nemo and the  Nautilus with all the suspense and excitement of a modern sci-fi thriller. Complete and unabridged edition.
  • Three million years B.C., a mysterious black monolith of alien origin influences a group of prehistoric human ancestors to develop tools and establish dominance over other tribes. Fast-forward to 1999 - and a black monolith with magnetic properties is detected by scientists working on a moon base. When the rays of the sun activate it, the monolith sends a signal toward one of the moons of Saturn.  In 2001, the Discovery Mission to Saturn -  five men and an artificially intelligent computer named HAL 9000 - is launched. Three of the crew are in suspended animation; and all proceeds smoothly until communications with Earth break down...and HAL begins to act independently and take over...Cover art by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
  • Based on the screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke. A group of primates is singled out to receive information from a superior outside force which will speed up their development into mankind. Later, men excavate a huge monolith from the Moon's  surface - a monolith which emits a strange and, to  them, incomprehensible signal. Upon its discovery the monolith launches into deep space, its task of watching over Man, now that he has reached the level of sophistication necessary to find it, being over. This theme continues building into a  a massive climax.
  • Out among the moons of Jupiter, the empty spacecraft Discovery and the enigmatic alien monolith still float it the silence of space, mute witnesses to the mysterious disappearance of astronaut David Bowman through the 'Star Gate' nine years before. The Leonov is on its way, carrying a joint Soviet American scientific team on a mission of investigation and recovery, but the outcome will be beyond the wildest imaginings of any mere humans involved. Cover art by Michael Whelan.
  • In 2061, when two Suns share the skies of Earth, Halley's Comet returns to the inner Solar System. Soon the fates of  two spacefaring expeditions are entwined by human necessity and the immutable laws of astrophysics. Centenarian Heywood Floyd must again confront Dave Bowman, a newly independent  HAL and the limitless power of an alien race that has decided humanity must play a part in the evolution of the galaxy - whether it wants to or not...Cover at by Michael Whelan.
  • The year is 2312. Scientific and technological advances have opened gateways to an extraordinary future. Earth is no longer humanity's only home; new habitats have been created throughout the solar system on moons, planets, and in between. But in this year, 2312, a sequence of events will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future. The first event takes place on Mercury, on the city of Terminator, itself a miracle of engineering on an unprecedented scale. It is an unexpected death, but one that might have been foreseen. For Swan Er Hong, it is an event that will change her life. Swan was once a woman who designed worlds. Now she will be led into a plot to destroy them.
  • This volume includes: Flatlander, Larry Niven; The Crime and Glory of Commander Suzdal; Cordwainer Smith; Overproof, Jonathon Blake Mackenzie; Poor Planet, J.T. McIntosh; Shamar's War, Kris Neville; The Tactful Saboteur, Frank Herbert; Ministry of Disturbance, H. Beam Piper.
  • Book III of The Quintara Marathon. Three galactic empires existed in uneasy proximity. Each was led by completely different life forms with only one thing in common - demons. Each had a legend of humanoid creatures with hooves and horns, representing supernatural power and unspeakable evil. The similarity of the legends across the galaxy had led some to theorise that they had some basis in fact. Unfortunately, they were right; an expedition exploring an uncharted planet discovered, sealed in transparent cells, two horned creatures, gigantic in stature, perfectly preserved and very much alive. The three empires sent rescue missions which arrived too late to help the expedition members, slaughtered by the demons - but not too late to pursue the demons through a gate into another space-time continuum. The three missions have fought each other all the way but now they must help each other against the menace of the re-awakened demons - not just for their survival, but the survival of the 90 trillion Fausts, 90 trillion beings in danger of losing their souls. Fortunately - although the demons have proven themselves invulnerable to any weapon known in the three empires - the beings of the mission are about to discover that they have very unusual allies. After all, if demons - why not angels? Cover art by Darrell K. Sweet.
  • Book IV of After Such Knowledge. The four-man team of scientists investigating Lithia are about to make their report.  Two are in favour of exploiting the planet's enormous mineral wealth - if necessary, enslaving its gentle industrious inhabitants in the process.  One recommends non-interference.  The fourth is Father Ruiz-Sanchez, biologist and Jesuit priest.  For him, Lithia is a Paradise among the stars - a Paradise created by the Devil.  Cover art by Chris Foss.
  • A banquet for the serious sci-fi buff. In this volume:  A selection from The Ideal, Stanley G. Weinbaum; Moxon's Master, Ambrose Bierce; Reason, Isaac Asimov; But Who Can Replace A Man? Brian Aldiss; A selection from The Time Machine, H.G. Wells; Of Time and Third Avenue, Alfred Bester;  Sail On! Sail On! Philip José Farmer; A selection from Worlds Of The Imperium, Keith Laumer;  The Business, As Usual; Mack Reynolds; What's It Like Out There? Edmond Hamilton; Sky Life, Robert A. Heinlein; The Star, Arthur C. Clarke; The Crystal Egg, H.G. Wells; The Wind People, Marion Zimmer Bradley; Unhuman Sacrifice, Katherine Maclean; What Was It? Fitz-James O'Brien; The First Days Of May, Claude Veillot; Day of Succession, Theodore L. Thomas; Angel's Egg, Edgar Pangborn; Another World, J.H. Rosny AînéA selection from Odd John, Olaf Stapledon; Call Me Joe, Poul Anderson; A selection from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, Jules Verne; You Are With It! Will Stanton; Cease Fire, Frank Herbert...and Mark Twain speaks from the London Times of 1904.  
  • Book IV of Cities In Flight. Earth is finished as a galactic power. From the heart of the Milky Way come the first tentative strands of the Web of Hercules: the strange culture that is destined to be the next great civilisation of the galaxy. All of this was of little concern to the contented citizens of New Earth, secure in their corner of the Great Magellanic Cloud. Only Amalfi dreams restlessly of the old nomadic days. But then an old friend returns, bringing some unimaginably bad news...Cover art by Chris Foss.
  • Book III of The Gap Cycle. After a terrifying encounter with the Amnonian aliens, Nick Succorso makes for the safety of Thanatos Minor, the infamous bootleg shipyard where galaxial illegals come for ship repair and exotic indulgence.  But the Amnonians are waiting for Nick, Morn Hyland and her force-grown son Davies, making the haven into a hell. Cover art by Fred Gambino.
  • Book III - The Gap Into Power. After a terrifying encounter with the Amnion aliens, Nick Succorso made for the safety of  Thanatos Minor, the infamous bootleg shipyard where illegals from all over the galaxy come to repair their ships and indulge in exotic entertainment.  But the Amnion were waiting and for Nick, Morn Hyland and her son Davies, the safe haven became hell. They would not be alone.  Angus Thermopyle had been captured by the UMCP and turned into a  deadly cyborg.  Now as Angus' controllers looked on, he was heading for Thanatos Minor, programmed to carry out a deadly mission with nightmarish consequences for them all.
  • A lunar cruise ends in disaster after a moonquake sinks the cruiser Selene beneath a sea of liquid-fine lunar dust on the Moon's Sea of Thirst. Facing enormous environmental barriers, the rescue team finds their courage, ingenuity, and resources tested to the breaking point - as trapped passengers and crew slowly run out of time...
  • The discovery of the Gizmo was seen by its inventor as the final solution for all of Man's ills.  A device that would duplicate - anything! What it did produce was the total breakdown of the democratic structure.  Within two generations, American society degenerated into two classes: The Masters who controlled the Gizmo's power - and the slaves. Dick Jones is the youthful heir to Buckhill, one of the oldest compounds to rise from the ashes of society's ruins.  His rite of passage sends him to the Eagles, the secret mountain fortress that is the last bastion of power on the continent.  It is here he will complete his training but he soon discovers that the line between Master and slave is a fine one.  If he cannot distinguish between honour and his heart, he is fated to die a horrible death.  Cover art by Luis Royo.
  • Book II of The Saga Of The Seven Suns. Five years have passed since humans set fire to the gas-giant planets, unwittingly committing genocide of the Hydrogues--an infinitely powerful species of aliens--and igniting a war of epic proportions. Meanwhile, as humans struggle to fight against increasing hostilities from the Hydrogues, they learn from the Worldforest that they have awakened an ancient, fearsome, and merciless enemy in the Hydrogues. And when the water-based Wentals and the sun-dwelling Faeros are found, will humans finally have the allies they need? Or will they be caught in the middle of a war that could break apart the galaxy....Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • Book I of Starcats. Four novellas in one volume:  Son Of The Morning; The King's Dogs; Nebuchadnezzar; A Judgment Of Dragons. Meet Prandra & Krengh - giant telepathic red starcats from Ungruwarhkh. They are bad tempered; they hold grudges and they are uninterested in anything that is not good to eat. They are the most unusual agents of the Galactic Federation.  They eat from the same bowl, couple, then preen - then travel across Time, down through Space, to the most bizarre and dangerous worlds - and times! - in the Galactic Federation.   A Starcat and rabbi tale - with dragons. Cover art by Tom Kidd.
  • Book II of Cities In Flight. The natural resources of the Earth have long been exhausted and city after city goes 'Okie' - lifts itself off the face of the planet to earn its living as a migrant worker among the stars. Now the 'spindizzies' that will take Scranton, Pennsylvania up into outer space are warming up. A last patrol makes sure the city perimeter is clear. He didn't know it yet, but for the redneck boy watching cautiously from the bushes, this was t be the first day of a new and very different life...Cover art by Chris Foss.
  • A fine collection of sci-fi from the Fifties and Sixties. In this volume: Windsong, Kate Wilhelm; The Intruder, Ted Thomas; An Honourable Death, Gordon R. Dickson; The Burning, Theodore R. Cogswell; Harry The Tailor, Sonya Dorman; Fifteen Miles, Ben Bova;  I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Harlan Ellison; The Winter Flies, Fritz Leiber; Sun, Burt Filer; The Horars Of War, Gene Wolfe; Hop-Friend, Terry Carr; A Few Last Words, James Sallis; This Night, At My Fire, Joanna Russ; Look, You Think You've Got Troubles, Carol Carr; Unclear Call For Lee, Richard McKenna; The Last Command, Keith Laumer; Pelt, Carol Emshwiller; Masks, Damon Knight; The Sources Of The Nile, Avram Davidson. Cover art by Eddie Jones.
  • Book III of Worlds Of Tiers. It was a world of tiers and layers - the Amerind level, the Garden of Eden level, the Talanac, the Atlantean - a universe of green skies and fabled beasts.  It was the playground cosmos of Lord Jadawin, with trans-gravitational gates to the other worlds and levels. But now those gates are being sabotaged to permit the entry of an invading force of 'Bellers' - human bodies housing the transferred minds of rebel Lords and their minions, who were seeking two things - total domination of every Lord's private cosmos, now that they had achieved immortality, and the life of Kickaha the Trickster, who knew too much. Cover art by Peter Goodfellow.
  • Book III of A World Of Tiers.  A world of tiers and layers - the Amerind level, the Garden of Eden level, the Talanac, the Atlantean...A universe of green skies and fabled beasts. It was the playground-cosmos of the Lord Jadawin, with transgravitational gates to the other levels and the other worlds. But now those gates were being sabotaged to permit the entry of an invading force of 'Bellers' - human bodies housing the transferred minds of rebel Lords and their minions, who sought two things: total domination of every Lo9rd's private Cosmos - now that they had achieved immortality; and the life of Kickaha the Trickster, who knew too much...Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Book III of The War Against The Chtorr. Still reeling from the alien plagues that killed two-thirds of the planet's population, humanity now confronts the most deadly enemy Earth has ever known - the giant man-eating Chtorr. Lieutenant James McCarthy has grown to manhood under the shadow of the terrifying invasion of the Chtorr. As a student, he learned all he could to understand their alien behavior. As a Special Forces commando, he made violent first contact. Now this battle-hardened warrior faces a profound challenge. Captured by an anarchistic band of men and women known as renegades, McCarthy must secretly gather vital information while fighting indoctrination into their cult - which serves and worships the Chtorr. Cover art by  Carla Sormanti.
  • Features:  The Blue Bottle: Range the red sands of Mars with Ray Bradbury;  The Wind Blows Free:  Roam the passageways of a great starship with Chad Oliver; Society For the Prevention, Ron Goulart; One Night Stand, Herbert A. Simmons; Elegy, Charles Beaumont; Lap of the Primitive, William Nolan; The Old College Try, Robert Bloch; I am Returning, Ray Russell; The Undiscovered Country, William F. Temple; Restricted Area: Share a rocket crews' fear of the unknown with Robert Sheckley; One Love Have I: Return through time to an old love with Robert F. Young; Worship Night: Attempt to bridge to gap between human and non-human with Kris Neville; In Space With Runyon Jones, Norman Corwin; The Ties That Bind: Return to Earth after a twenty-thousand yer journey with Walter M. Miller, Jr. Cover art by Bob Layzell.
  • Book I of Alex Benedict. Everyone knew the legend of Christopher Sim.  Fighter.  Leader. An interstellar hero with a rare talent for war.  Sim changed mankind's history forever when he forged a ragtag group of misfits into the weapon that broke the back of the alien Ashiyyur.  But now, Alex Benedict has found  a startling bit of information, long buried in an ancient computer file.  If it's true, then Christopher Sim was a fraud. For his own sake and that of history, Alex Benedict must follow the dark track of a legend, into the very heart of the alien galaxy where he will confront a truth far stranger than any imaginable fiction. Cover art by Darrell Sweet.

  • Danny Hawkins is  a bright lad who wants to grow up to be a scientist like his father, who died in an accident in space. But Danny is a victim of polio and lives a restricted life with his mother in a remote corner on Earth. One day eminent scientist Samuel Gob;e arrives at Danny's home to recruit him to join a special scientific exploration on Triton, one of Neptune's moons. The team will be a small group of gifted children who will be transformed by matter transmission into creatures capable of surviving the crushing gravity and poisonous atmosphere of Neptune's surface. Transformed, Danny will never miss the use of his arms and legs - Goble says that he will be the same as all the others. And this top secret mission, in its early project stage, was the one that claimed Danny's father's life. They are to explore the planet Neptune and try and establish contact with an alien race that seems to be  colonising the planet.   Cover art by Bob Walters.
  • An alternate history set in 1973, which has been shaped by Washington losing the Battle of Lexington and being executed as a traitor. Now America is a British colony dreaming of independence. Columbus didn't discover the Americas and the cultures of South America have not been  destroyed. Here is a British Empire which, in the 20th century, is still influenced by its Victorian creators. But this ideal is threatened by increasing unemployment and the threat of economic decline. The empire needs something to boost its fortunes. So is born an engineering project to link Britain with its colony: a tunnel beneath the sea. Employment will increase and manufacturing will prosper. Our hero is  Captain August Washington, engineer & descendant of the traitor. As well as wishing to see the tunnel's success, he wants to see his homeland achieve independence or - at least - the dominion status of Canada and Australia. He's also in love with Iris, daughter of the genius behind the project, Sir Isambard Brassey-Brunel, who despises the upstart colonial engineer.If the project is a success, the credit will go to Washington and it is his hope that his success will at last erase the shame of George, hanged as a traitor to his king more than 200 years ago. Cover art by Rick Sternbach.
  • The true story of alien abduction in rural England...Jason Andrews was twelve years old when his parents first realised that he was being abducted. Suddenly, the strange happenings that had dogged their bright son all his life were explained: the weird marks on his body, the secret language he babbled, the terrible nights when they had found his bed empty. The family's farm, too, has been affected: animals mutilated, cattle dead in mysterious circumstances, pregnant cows suddenly becoming barren; strange lights appearing in the sky...and always, there have been the watchers in the wood - silent figures who keep the farm under observation. At the time of publication, this compelling story of a normal family caught up in terrifying abnormal events is the most detailed exploration of an alien abduction ever, bravely told by the Andrews family to independent investigator Jean Ritchie. Illustrated with black and white photographs.