Spiritual and Self Help

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  • Interest in Paganism is steadily increasing and while rooted in ancient tradition, it is a living religious movement. With its reverence for all creation, it reflects our current concern for the planet. This introductory guide explains what Paganism is; the different Pagan paths; what Pagans do and how to live as a Pagan.
  • Eben Alexander teams up with the sages of times past, modern scientists, and with ordinary people who have had profound spiritual experiences to show the reality of heaven and our true identities as spiritual beings, taking a broad view to reveal how modern science is on the verge of the most profound revolution in recorded history - all around the phenomenon of consciousness itself. When Dr. Eben Alexander told the story of his near-death experience and his vivid journey to the other side, many readers wrote to say it resonated with them profoundly. Thanks to them, Dr. Alexander realized that sharing his story allowed people to rediscover what so many in ancient times there is more to life, and the to the universe, than this single earthly life. Alexander and his co-author Ptolemy Tompkins were surprised to see how often his readers’ visions of the afterlife synced up with each other and with those of the world’s spiritual leaders, as well as its philosophers and scientists. Here, they share the stories people have told him and shows how they are echoed both in the world’s faiths and in its latest scientific insights. It turns out there is much agreement, across time and terrain, about the journey of the soul and its survival beyond death.
  • The next self-help book after the Bible.  This famous story of man's progress through life in search of salvation remains one of the most entertaining allegories of faith ever written. Set against realistic backdrops of town and country, the powerful drama of the pilgrim's trials and temptations follows him in his harrowing journey to the Celestial City. Along a road filled with monsters and spiritual terrors, Christian confronts such emblematic characters as Worldly Wiseman, Giant Despair, Talkative, Ignorance, and the demons of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. But he is also joined by Hopeful and Faithful. An enormously influential 17th-century classic, universally known for its simplicity, vigor, and beauty of language, The Pilgrim's Progress remains one of the most widely read books in the English language. Colour plate frontispiece by Byam Shaw. Line illustrations by RH. Brock.
  • Discover how you can: build inner strength, handle rejection, develop your uniqueness, keep your flaws in perspective, make friends with your body, find a place to excel, expand your network of love, and help others become more confident. These and other practical guidelines, along with fascinating stories and anecdotes, show how you can increase your self-confidence without falling into the trap of self-worship. A book to help you succeed at being the best possible you - yourself!
  • Anger is a signal and one worth listening to. Anger deserves our attention and respect, yet women are still taught to silence their anger, to deny it entirely or to vent it in a way that leaves them feeling helpless and powerless. Here, women can learn to identify the real source of their anger and to use it as a powerful vehicle for creating meaningful and lasting change.

  • First published in 1910. The author explains that the 'universal mind' underlies and permeates all creation. Through he process of visualisation we can engage the law of attraction - impressing our thoughts on formless substance and bringing the desired object into material form.  To achieve this, it is important that we align ourselves with the positive forces of natural law.  Economic and emotional security can be achieved in a practical and non-competitive way while maintaining a harmonious and loving relationship with all of life. Mr Wattles died in 1911, a very prosperous man.
  • Comprehensive in coverage and meticulously researched, this book calls on the latest scientific research to challenge our society's largely unquestioning commitment to new technology. While modern technology has many benefits, the authors believe that Western society's reliance on the latest tech as a cure-all for our problems is seriously misplaced - in some cases, dangerously so. Health and environment issues include: The damaging effects on human health of certain microwaves, including those from mobile phones, mobile phone base stations and television transmission towers; the ongoing debate about the effects of human health of aluminium in food and other consumer  products; the growing evidence that the trans-polyunsaturated acids formed in most margarines during manufacture may be worse for your health than butter; and the growing understanding that the amount of natural light entering the eyes can contribute significantly to the body's ability to fight disease.  There is much which is disagreeable and sometimes distressing, but this book is not a downer. At the end of each chapter there's a positive 'What YOU can do' section.

  • Since ancient times, it has been believed that essential oils benefit the body, mind and spirit. Different oils and combinations of oils can be used to prevent and treat all manner of health problems and to enhance well-being. This is a fascinating guide through the most popular essential oils, together with practical advice. historical detail and beautiful illustrations.
  • DID YOU KNOW.... that in the Shetland Isles it is considered good luck to encounter a deformed or retarded person when going fishing? Or that the Ancient Hebrews believed that the ashes of a black kitten would enable one to see demons? Even the famous have their own beliefs and rituals: Luciano Pavarotti always looked for a bent nail on stage before he felt secure about singing an opera. On the luck front, Ranulf Flambard was unfortunate enough to be the first prisoner of the Tower of London - but as he was the builder and the architect of the Tower, he knew a secret way out and escaped. To ensure good luck, don't bring holly into the house before Christmas Eve and that in America it's unlucky to kill a toad, as these creatures were regarded by the indigenous Americans to be benevolent water-brings.   A book that is so much more than unlucky broken mirrors and walking under ladders.
  • A profusely illustrated compendium of astrological knowledge that explores the significance of each of the twelve sun signs of the zodiac and the complementary effect of the moon in its different phases. Julia and Derek Parker are established leaders in the field of astrology. They combined their skills in 1971 with the publication of The Complete Astrologer, which became an international bestseller. This was followed by more than 40 books, including the highly successful Parker's Astrology. The Parkers have also broadcast and lectured throughout Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Illustrated.  
  • What does it mean to dream of tunnels, rainbows, alarm bells, ravens, swimming, embarrassment or death? This book is a code book for unlocking the secrets and meanings of your dreams. Dreams are a combination of your deep subconscious emotions and your everyday life events. They are usually symbolic of inner hopes and fears and can give insight into the past, future and even how to proceed in certain matters. This is a very comprehensive guide with an alphabetic index.
  • Deepk Chopra sheds light on 20 life-enhancing principles for rediscovering the magic that we have lost, but that remains within our grasp. The result is a practical and accessible guide to one of life's shortest but most rewarding journeys: the one into the realm of boundless possibilities that exist within and all around us. Take the journey using the themes and metaphysics of the medieval Arthurian myth and a development of Merlin's philosophy and application of magic.
  • The late Louise L. Hay, bestselling author, was internationally known as a leader in the self-help field. Her key message is: If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.  Louise also shared her own harrowing experiences in the volume and how she overcame them. Chapters: What I Believe;  What Is the Problem? Where Does It Come From? Is It True? What Do we Do Now?  Resistance to Change;  How to Change;  Building the New; Daily Work;  Relationships; Work; Success; Prosperity; The Body. Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. With You Can Heal Your Life you will not only improve your life, but also improve the lives of all those around you. https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/love-heal-life-workbook-louise-hay/
  • A good, sound commonsense book for the beginner to the ancient art of Tarot.  Apart from the chapters on the Major and Minor Arcana and the Suits, the cards and their meanings there is also all possible interpretations as well as excellent advice on what deck to buy and where to buy it; care of your Tarot cards; sample readings and card layouts. Fully illustrated in colour, the emphasis is on the positive aspects of the Tarot and how to use the cards as a tool for gaining self-knowledge while exploring present and future possibilities.
  • Atlantis...Avalon..Lemuria and Lyonesse; the country of the Amazons, the kingdom of Prester John and the realm of the Queen of Sheba... Stories of the lost or undiscovered worlds of antiquity have fascinated us through the ages - and will certainly continue to do so. The author examines both the scientific and the mystical of the problem  of historical or legendary lost worlds and sets out the evidence for the reader to asse4ss fact and fiction. With medieval maps and images.
  • If you really want to heal your life, you will need this interactive workbook. It directly applies Louise's techniques of self-love and positive thinking to a wide range of topics that effect us all on a daily basis, including: health fears and phobias; sex; self-esteem; money and prosperity; friendship;  addictive behaviour; work; and intimacy.https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/can-heal-life-louise-hay/
  • The two volumes of Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom have inspired a whole generation of students of the Tarot. Described by many as the Bible of Tarot readers, the books brought awareness of myth and modern psychology to the Tarot’s ancient esoteric symbolism. This new edition contains the full texts of The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana appear in one volume. The Tarot is an eternally fascinating set of strange and beautiful pictures, beyond which lies a world of potent symbols granting access to a path of self knowledge, personal growth and freedom. These symbols connect us to the great stories of world mythology and the eternal truths of the soul. Learn how to use Tarot as an effective and accessible means of self-enlightenment. The book includes a complete section on how to give Tarot readings, as well as an analysis of the origins, meaning and psychological aspects of Tarot divination.
  • Fifteen years on the city streets -and  Wezzo survived. Will is the story of Wezzo and Geoff, two school friends with the world at their feet, whose choices lead them down vastly different paths. Later, their worlds collide and once again they become uniquely linked. All of us make choices. But what happens when our choices plunge us into despair? What can we do? Who do we turn to? Wezzo's choices leave him homeless on the city streets of Newcastle, Australia, while Geoff's choices trap him in a maze of diabolical white-collar corruption. Yet they'd both started out full of hopes and dreams. Will is about triumph in the midst of tragedy, love lost, purpose found; the strongest of families torn apart then re-created in the most unlikely place. In a world hobbled with epidemic homelessness, Will portrays 'streeties'   as gifted individuals who deserve another chance, rather than as shameful failures. Will contrasts the victims and the victors, the hopeless and the hopeful, a challenge not only to think about destiny - but to resolve it. And the ending...?  It's definitely a surprise...

  • Books of Days have been treasured since the medieval times as a way of starting the day with inspirational thoughts and wisdom to contemplate in quiet moments.  This is Brother Cadfael's, distilled from Ellis Peter's Cadfael Chronicles in which her wealth of experience, knowledge and insight was recorded through her creation, Cadfael. These daily sayings and thoughts will inspire Cadfael's devotees and those new to his world. Illustrated with medieval-style woodcuts.
  • On the Journey of Life, do you sometimes wish you had a map? Well, there is one: this guide through the twelve gateways of personal growth to the summit of your potential. Dan Millman makes your ascent accessible by bringing enlightenment down to earth-applying spiritual wisdom to the practical realities of everyday life. Explore the challenges and mysteries of body, mind, and emotions. Discover a new approach to success. Change confusion into clarity and knowledge into action. It begins as you turn the first page... Chapters:  1. Discover Your Worth; 2. Reclaim Your Will; 3. Energize Your Body; 4. Manage Your Money; 5. Tame Your Mind; 6. Trust Your Intuition; 7. Accept Your Emotions; 8. Face Your Fears; 9. Illuminate Your Shadow; 10. Embrace Your Sexuality; 11. Awaken Your Heart; 12. Serve Your World. Includes advice on practicing everyday enlightenment in the everyday world.
  • The definitive guide to the Zodiac. Many of the millions who read their daily horoscopes want a better understanding of astrology - and here is the perfect, comprehensive, and great looking guide to teach them. Written by one of the worlds most popular contemporary astrologers, and filled with magnificent illustrations, it covers both traditional and modern forms in a way that beginners can easily understand. The zodiac, elements, qualities, polarities, planets, house, and aspects all receive detailed attention, along with advice on putting it all together and creating a chart. There's plenty of practical guidance for every aspect of on how to live in harmony with a particular zodiac partner, identify the career that fits an astrological personality, and use astrology to recognise health problems and find appropriate remedies.
  • Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries.  Here are all the pieces of the Secret in one volume, life-transforming for all who choose to experience it and use it in every aspect of life: money, health, happiness, relationships.  In fact, every interaction humans have.  Here is wisdom from modern day teachers - men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth and happiness.  Not just a how-to manual - also contains compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring wealth, overcoming obstacles and achieving what many would regard as impossible.
  • At twenty-nine, Bettger was a failed insurance salesman. By the time he was forty he owned a country estate and could have retired. What are the selling secrets that turned Bettger’s life around from defeat to unparalleled success and fame as one of the highest paid salesmen in America? Here he reveals his personal experiences and explains the foolproof principles that he developed and perfected. He shares instructive anecdotes and step-by-step guidelines on how to develop the style, spirit, and presence of a winning salesperson.  He covers: the power of enthusiasm; how to conquer fear; the key word for turning a skeptical client into an enthusiastic buyer; the quickest way to win confidence; the seven golden rules for closing a sale. This was first published in 1951 and the times have changed - but people don't. There is plenty that is still applicable today.
  • Was there once a race of beings which were only partly human? If so, what became of them and where are they now? Here is a compelling scenario - if we are willing to consider the possibility of their existence. Here is an unusual dramatisation of the fierce battle between God's intention for Man and Satan's scheme to destroy it.
  • Michael Balfour investigates strange stories from the country’s moors, forests, rivers, holy wells and lochs - as well as the old legends and dark secrets of palaces, castles and cathedrals. Roaming a land where the past is mirrored in the present, he explores standing stones, mermaid beaches and magic springs; seeks out new theories about Celtic and Pictish stones, carvings and tombs; and finds monsters, ghouls and ancient cures. Not forgotten are the great historical figures who throng the pages, each making a unique contribution to Mysterious Scotland. Lavishly illustrated with colour and black and white photographs.
  • A lavishly illustrated volume of the ancient and magical places of the world. There's lost realms, fabled and fabulous treasures, strange relics; holy mountains and centres of pilgrimage; strange phenomena, folkjlore, fiction and fairy tales; extraordinary formations and bizarre scenery.  There really is something for everyone in this book.
  • From his predictions about life and death in the French court of Catherine de' Medici to his uncannily suggestive preconceptions of World War II, Michel de Nostradamus has aroused continual fascination-and commercialization-in the West. Today, many search his elliptical "centuries"- or collected verses-for new truths about 9/11 and End Times, while supermarket tabloids routinely falsify and exploit his pronouncements. What is the difference between prophecy and prediction, and how has it led to a misuse of the ideas of Nostradamus, as well as those of other post-biblical prognosticators? What is the nature of the oracular tradition in the West-stretching back to the oracle at Delphi-and how can Nostradamus be understood from this perspective? Smoley presents a fresh, scholarly and literal translation of Nostradamus's Middle French, together with a detailed commentary on Nostradamus's key quatrains, with a sharp eye toward the political and social events of Nostradamus' era, allowing readers to make their own determination as to the passages' historical references and accuracy